Another Spanish language-learning app fromVidalingua,Spanish Translator +is an advanced sentence translator with a comprehensive dictionary, verb conjugator, phrasebook, flashcards, vocabulary quizzes, and even more. You can also personalize the app by adding notes, pictures, and audio to dictionary ...
3. Spanish Phrase Book Why phrasebook made it to my list? Phrasebooks are not just to learn how to ask for directions or order a beer when you travel. They can teach you how to structure sentences and put together words to do so – simply because you already know the phrase, so it’...
"Best Spanish Translator. I have tried a few translators. This one is specific to Spanish unlike the others that are all languages. If you just need a word or expression you get several translations and loads of examples. There is good phrase book and lots of verb conjugations. I also spe...
Spanish slang phraseSpanish pronunciationEnglish meaning Ponerse las pilasPoh-nehr-seh las pee-lasTo step it up Hablar por los codosAh-blahr pour los coh-dosTo be very chatty Echar una manoEh-chahr oo-nah mah-noTo help someone Dejar plantadoDeh-har plahn-tah-dohTo stand someone up ...
Each box will include vocabulary posters to hang in your house, vocabulary and phrase cards, weekly challenge assignments, and accountability tools. The languages offered include Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Romanian, and more! Deal: Get...
by Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet who wrote poems in Spanish loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. BurchEvery day you play with Infinity's rays. Exquisite visitor, you arrive with the flowers and the water! You are vastly more than this immaculate head I clasp lovingly ...
To see our list of best apps, click here. We also have lists for dictionaries for many other languages. We have those listed just below in case you want a more multilingual experience: Spanish to English dictionaries and phrasebooks!
Barcelona provides the backdrop to this eight-part Spanish drama where the phrase ‘opposites attract’ is the order of the day. Carlos Cuevas plays Alex, a hunky bartender, gym bunny and frequent user of dating apps who leaves a ranty voicemail for a guy he’s been seeing. Unfortunately...
Within a few years of publishing “Zone,” he suffered head wounds at the front in World War I and died of Spanish flu on November 9, 1918, two days before the armistice that ended the war. Click here for David Lehman's translation of "Zone" in Virginia Quarterly Review. Posted ...
Best Free(mium) Apps for Learning Spanish If you’re on a budget, check out our Bargain Basement options where you can find the best free or freemium apps to learn Arabic. Best Dictionary App Hans Wehr This is the mobile version of the legendary Hans Wehr Arabic-English Dictionary, widely...