Watch On "Pearl" is a psychological horror serving as a prequel to the earlier movie "X." The movie stars Mia Goth as Pearl, a young woman living on her family's isolated farm during the early 20th century. Pearl dreams of escaping her oppressive and mundane life to pursue stardom and...
Red, White, and Royal Blue is the movie equivalent of pizza—not good for you, but still delicious. Watch on Amazon Shin Masked Rider If you’re sick of cookie-cutter Hollywood superhero movies, then this ground-up reboot of one of Japan’s most beloved heroes deserves your attention. ...
Although the movie bears the character’s name, Tom Hardy’s Max is relegated to a monosyllabic supporting player, leaving a magnificent Charlize Theron to take the lead as the heroic Imperator Furiosa. Watch Mad Max: Fury Road on Max Watch the Mad Max: Fury Road trailer on YouTube Best...
Amazon's content division, especially after it merged with MGM to become Amazon MGM Studios, offers the best of both worlds in regard to movies on its associated streaming service, Prime Video. It sends some movies straight-to-streaming and others to theaters. Most importantly, it does a lot...
Winner of two Academy Awards, this movie is noted for its innovative use of Technicolor and iconic musical numbers. Released: 1939 Directed by: Victor Fleming Dig Deeper Strange Things You Definitely Didn't Know About 'The Wizard of Oz' Also ranks #1 on The Biggest Continuity Errors You ...
But keep in mind that it is a very serious movie – and you probably will feel sad after. Stream Requiem for a Dream on Tubi. Powerful, Emotional Dramas For when you want to cry or laugh or do both at the same time, these are the films for you: (Image credit: Universal ...
It’s the movie that saved movies last year! The truth is that Paramount wanted to drop this long-awaited sequel on a streamer during the pandemic, but Tom Cruise knew it was the kind of thing that should be appreciated in a theater. He bet on himself and the result is arguably the ...
and the rest is history. The first Jackie Chan movie to combine large-scale stunts with balls-out action,Project Aalso cemented his onscreen persona as the ultimate Hong Kong everyman, a working-class guy who just wants to get through the day, and maybe take his girlfriend out for dinner...
Let’s say you’re headed back from the bar with your friends, it’s 2 am, and you’re all drunk. After you order pizza and grab a few more cold ones from the fridge, you and buddies decide to put on agood movie to watchwhile you're drunk. What sort of film will...
How to watch:The Terminatoris free to stream with an MGM+ subscription add-on or available for rental or purchase on Prime Video. 6. District 9 Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock In 2009, writer/director Neill Blomkamp broke through with his feature debut by bringing an extraterrestrial premise...