Kousei Arima has been a piano prodigy since childhood, but his life comes crashing down when his mother passes away, resulting in a mental breakdown that renders him unable to hear the sound of his own music. Kousei resigns himself to living a life devoid of his passion for music and the...
The Binding of Isaac offers a demented twist on Biblical tales, portraying a toddler's nightmarish basement journey to escape his homicidal mother. Combining roguelike elements with frantic twin-stick shooting, it's a real "sink or swim" situation. It's an eternally replayable, grotesque master...
In the excellent Netflix series Hilda, a young blue-haired girl (voiced by Bella Ramsey) moves with her mother to the city of Trolberg, a hamlet plagued by angry trolls who attack any who venture outside of the city walls at night. At the start of the 2021 film Hilda and the Mountai...
Mud Kitchen Books for little Muddy ChefsThe Muddy Chef by Penny Whitehouse and Emma BearThis is a recipe book for kids, but not for making edible food. Instead, you’ll find recipes for unlickable lasagna, mud and seed cupcakes, and nature’s nachos...
The story follows the real-life Irish hip-hop trio as they perform gigs in pubs, call for change, and quickly become the unexpected leaders of a Civil Rights movement to save their mother tongue. It's not always easy, though, as they have to face the police and other authorities that ...
Get ready for your child’s birthday party with this collection of 25 of thebest party games for kids. As a kid, parties are simply the best. What’s not to love about getting to spend a large portion of a day with your friends, laughing and running around, celebrating life! As a ...
Disney LorcanaIt's like Magic: The Gathering, but with everything Disney. This trading card game is easy to learn for kids ages eight and up. And kids who are a little younger can join in with help from an adult. CNET's James Bricknell ranked it as one of thetop family games of th...
As a mother of two young daughters, she brings firsthand experience to her work, navigating the joys and challenges of raising children in today's fast-paced world. Lauren currently lends her expertise to renowned publications such as InStyle, Southern Living, Business Insider and Atlanta ...
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8. I Am Mother Friend...or foe? Credit: Netflix The problem with robots is you can never tell what they're thinking. This is a lesson we've had drilled into us time and again in the sci-fi space, and Grant Sputore's futuristic mystery— about a girl being raised by a robot in...