Hotel Transylvania 4 Brian Hull, Jim Gaffigan, Andy Samberg 53 votes Hotel Transylvania 4, titled Hotel Transylvania: Transformania, released in 2022, is the fourth installment of the beloved animated franchise. This chapter introduces a new twist when Van Helsing's mysterious invention, the "Monst...
“Be nice to your dad. Most of fatherhood feels like going through customs with an outdated passport.”—Jim Gaffigan “Dad: He can play like a kid, give advice like a friend, and protect like a bodyguard.”—Unknown “There should be a children’s song: if you’re happy and you kno...
Anya Taylor-Joy, Gabriel Bateman, Jim Gaffigan 37 votes Maria and her younger brother Charlie find themselves magically transported to the fantastical world of Playmobil. While there, they encounter robots, Vikings, knights, pirates and other colorfully amusing characters. But when Charli...
“Raising kids may be a thankless job with ridiculous hours, but at least the pay sucks." —Jim Gaffigan “Men should always change diapers. It's a very rewarding experience. It's mentally cleansing. It's like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love...
87. “Put candles in a cake; it’s a birthday cake. Put candles in a pie, and somebody’s drunk in the kitchen.”— Jim Gaffigan 88. “As you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.”— Norman Wisdom ...
115. “Hey, people who travel with their bed pillow. You look insane.”– Jim Gaffigan 116. “Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.”– George Carlin 117. “Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.”– Susan Sontag ...
Here are the best Happy Birthday quotes and birthday wishes to send! This list has great quotes and birthday wishes, happy birthday messages and greetings.
Jim Gaffigan CBS/Edecio Martinez “Remember when you went on vacation as a kid, and you’d think to yourself, ‘Why is Dad always in a bad mood?’ Well, now I understand. It’s amazing how much money it costs to be uncomfortable all day [at a theme park] and listen to your chil...
dreams of being popular and wishes she were "thirty and flirty and thriving." She later wakes up in 2004 at the age of 30. Jennifer Garner stars as 30-year-old Jenna, while Christa B. Allen plays the role of young Jenna. Mark Ruffalo, Judy Greer, Jim Gaffigan, and Andy Serkis also...
One of my favoirte comedians, Jim Gaffigan, is known for his funny take on Hot Pockets, and Bacon. He says that to improve other foods we wrap it in bacon. But I have to ask does Bacon make everything better? Fatburger Triple King Challenge Times Two Six all-beef patties and plenty...