Bigfoot. Unicorns. A mascara so magical it makes your lashes look fake. We used to consider these the stuff of legend—until now (on the mascara front, that is… sorry, Bigfoot hunters!). If you want to spark speculation yourself, swipe onThey’re Real!lengthening mascara for lashes th...
What it is:A lengthening mascara that curls, volumizes, lifts, and separates lashes for an "out-of-here" look.What it does:This breakthrough bestseller reveals lashes you never knew you had! The specially designed brush features staggered b
让睫毛纤长,卷翘,浓密,根根分明,刷出超自然的真实妆感。持久防油防晕染配方,让你向脱妆和易干说再见。独特复合型多效刷头,拥有长短交错的密集齿刷,从美睫根部发力放电,一举打破纤长纪录。1. 横握魔杖,从睫毛根部开始,并从一边刷至另一边,立刻享有纤长度、卷翘度和浓密度的睫毛。2.再竖握魔杖,向上卷曲,令...
Mascara They're Real!, Mascara allongeant à l’extrême magnétisme 4.5K|Poser une question| 25.5K 39,00 $obtenez-le pour37,05 $ (5% off)avec le réapprovisionnement automatiqueou quatre paiements de 9,75 $ avecou Voir tous les ...
A mascara so magical it makes your lashes look fake. We used to consider these the stuff of legend—until now (on the mascara front, that is… sorry, Bigfoot hunters!). If you want to spark speculation yourself, swipe on They’re Real! lengthening mascara for lashes they’ll need to ...