The only upgrade I would consider, at some point, would be one or two better eyepieces. You don't need to do this right now. Learn how to use the telescope to view the moon, the big planets and maybe a few bright deep sky objects like star clusters. If you live in the city, tr...
No. I try to see wherever I’m at as being as good as any other place I’ve been. And, of course, it is — only my perceptions change and can drive value judgements. The places and the peoples are just different. If one starts ranking and rating places, one can kill the ability...
In order to improve your knowledge of the night sky and observing you may want to invest in "The Backyard Astronomer's Guide". As a beginner I have found it the most valuable resource along with Stellarium software which is free and a planisphere. I spend a lot of time reading and on ...
though most of what is known about the man comes from his surviving poems. (Some believe that the 313 known poems maybe only about half of what the hermit composed during the course of his life.)
Once you strap the snowshoes to your feet, you can walk in your natural stride. However, if you have a narrow gait, you may need to widen your stance slightly to avoid stepping on the shoe’s frame. No matter your gait, it’s essential to make sure you have the correct size and ...
I knew their stories, and I knew accounts from other pagans/polytheists so it gave me a backdrop to work with. I've moved away from Manannan Mac Lir and now have a healthy working relationship with An Morrígu, and Bhride/Brigid. Here's the thing: I don't want to work with any ...
Students of the Ways must see clearly that in an untrained man the intellect is like a barrister. It argues clearly and logically, but the aim is not truth, but to reach a predetermined conclusion. Trevor Leggett;Zen and the Ways