What I want, before i die? 有个TED演讲,就是这么个题目。美国艺术家Candy Chang痛失所爱,关于死亡她思考了很多,她想做点什么来大家共同考虑死亡,于是在新奥尔良市的一栋废弃房屋改造出一块巨大的黑板。她在这块黑板上写满了同一道填空题——“在死之前,我想...” Before I Die Wall 邻居们则填上了各种...
第一篇:TED演讲稿整理,彩色版《before i die ,I want ...》 Before I die I want to... There are a lot of ways the people around us can help improve our lives. We don't bump into every neighbor, so a lot of wisdom never gets passed on, though we do share the same public spaces...
内容提示: TED 演讲——Candy Chang: Before I die I want to...在我死前, 我想... There are a lot of ways the people around us can help improve our lives. We don't bump into every neighbor, so a lot of wisdom never gets passed on, though we do share the same public spaces. ...
"Before I die, I want to be someone's cavalry." "Before I die, I want to be completely myself." “在死之前,我想为我的海盗行为接受审判”(笑声) “在死之前,我想跨过国际日期变更线” “在死之前,我想在上百万的观众面 前唱歌” “在死之前,我想种一棵树” “在死之前,我想过隐居的生活” ...
【TED演讲:余生很短,你想要完成什么?】坎迪·张把她社区里的一栋废弃房屋改造成一块巨大的黑板。她在这块黑板上写满了同一道填空题-“Before I die,I want to...”邻居们填上了各种或是惊奇、或是辛酸、亦或是风趣的答案。她从这些回答中对人生,死亡有了更多感悟。 LTED演讲精选的微博视频 ...
今天下午,我无意之间看到了一个TED的演讲,题目叫: Before I die, I want to... 演讲者是Candy Chang。在一位“亲人”意外离世后,她极度痛苦,也开始思考死亡和人生的事情。她为曾经所拥有的时光满怀敬意,也意识到了那些对她生命而言有真正意义的东西。她想到我们太容易被日复一日的琐碎所困住,而忘记什么才是...
"Before I die, I want tolive off the grid." 3:44 "Before I die, I want to hold her one more time." 3:50 "Before I die, I want to be someone'scavalry." 3:56 "Before I die, I want to be completely myself." ◾try: When a person is tried, he or she has to appear ...
Ted演讲CandyChangBeforeIdieIwantto中英 系统标签: ted演讲dielaughter邻居hstan CandyChang:BeforeIdieIwantto...在我死前,我想...英语演讲稿带中文翻译 Therearealotofwaysthepeoplearounduscanhelpimproveourlives.Wedon'tbumpinto everyneighbor,soalotofwisdom...
[转载]Before I die, I want to...原⽂地址:Before I die, I want to...作者:陈君 ⼀ 她叫Candy Chang ,出⽣在新奥尔良,是⼀个喜欢画烟熏眼影的艺术家。⼏年前她失去了⽣命中最爱的⼈,这场失去让她开始思考死亡。之后的⼀段时间,Chang开始对社区内⼀幢废弃的建筑进⾏改造。她在...
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