萨莉·鲁尼 | 中英 | "只有观察 不带任何评判地和人物共存 只保留可以容我观察的距离 任故事自然发生" 伦敦书评 Part2 2552 2 23:06 App 萨莉·鲁尼 | 中英 | 当人遭遇疾病 无法自理 唯一能决定的就是如何去应对 3.3万 39 18:28 App 萨莉·鲁尼 | 中英 |“大多数情况下 大家真实的关系往往更加暧昧不...
Beautiful World, Where Are You. By Sally Rooney. 《美丽世界,你在哪里》,作者:萨莉·鲁尼 "Nothing odd will do long," said Samuel Johnson of Laurence Sterne's digressive novel "Tristram Shandy". “任何古怪的事都不会长久,”塞缪尔·约翰逊在评价劳伦斯·斯特恩的离题小说《项狄传》时如是说。 This ...
After that, the priest asked us to give each other the sign of peace, and Simon shook hands with all the silvery little elderly women,and then he shook my hand and said ‘Peace be with you', and by then I wanted him to mean it. I didn't feel anymore that I wanted him to be ...
书名:Beautiful World, Where Are You? 定价:185.0 ISBN:9781908970442 作者:Sinead McCarthy 版次:1 出版时间:2018-08 内容提要: 佳作书局(微信公众号认证) 佳作书局(PARAGON BOOK GALLERY)自1942年创办以来专注于中外艺术书籍的引介和出版。 扫描二维码,访问我们的微信店铺 ...
Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world? 中文简介:《美丽的世界,你在哪里》是畅销书《普通人》和《与朋友的对话》作者莎莉·鲁尼的新小说。 小说家爱丽丝遇到了在仓库工作的菲利克斯,问他是否愿意和她一起去罗马旅行。 在都柏林,她最好的朋友艾琳(Eileen)正在摆脱分手的阴影,并重新开始与她从小...
The world seemed capable of including these things, and my eyes were capable, my brain was capable, of receiving and understanding them. I was tired, it was late, I was sitting half-asleep in the back of a taxi, remembering strangely that wherever I go, you ... (查看原文) duckduck...
Beautiful World, Where Are You豆瓣评分:7.2 简介:Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a distribution warehouse, and asks him if he'd like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend Eileen is getting over a break-up, and slips bac
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【中商原版】美丽新世界你在哪 Beautiful World Where Are You 英文原版 萨利鲁尼 Sally Rooney》。最新《【中商原版】美丽新世界你在哪 Beautiful World Where Are You 英文原版 萨利鲁尼 Sally Rooney》简介、书评、试读、价格、
Beautiful World Where Are You的作者Sally Rooney出生于Castlebar,是爱尔兰知名当代作者之一。这本书是她的新作,讲述了小说家Alice搬家后与在仓库工作的Felix展开的一段邂逅,以及Alice的好友Eileen和她的青梅竹马之间暧昧又纠结的关系,全书...