Beast Mastery Hunter SimulationCraft Results The War Within(Patch 11.0.7) Sim summary Level 80 Hero Talent Dark Ranger Gear 638 iLvl Mode Raid Boss (Max) Sim Profile Dark Ranger Sim Build 58238 ( DPS 1,492,867.79 Sim Details OverviewDamageTimeBuffs Peak DPS 6.87M DPS At 23 sec...
Least valuableHunterspecialization in raids. Lack of defensive and self-healing cooldowns. 2. Best Races for Beast Mastery Hunters Cataclysm has several new race options for Hunters, including Human, Undead, Worgen, and Goblin. For Horde players, Orc is going to be the best option due to the...
The stat priority for Beast Mastery Hunter is as follows: Agility Hit Rating (to 8%) Critical Strike Rating Mastery Haste Rating 1.1. Agility Agility is your primary source of Attack Power which all of your damaging abilities scale off of. This is your Primary stat and should be on every ...
BM Hunter DPS Guide Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & Best In Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Below you will find a standard raiding build that optimizes both you and your pet’s damage output while benefiting your party, as well. It...
Beast Mastery HunterHunter Talents Beast Mastery Talents Hero Talents PvP Talents Gear Stats Top PlayersNatural Mending 100% Posthaste 100% Kill Shot 100% Rejuvenating Wind 100% Hunter's Avoidance 47.2% Deathblow 86.9% Wilderness Medicine 43.7% Tar Trap 98.0% Tranquilizing Shot 96.5% ...
Notable Talents The Beast Within - Reduces your mana cost, increases your damage done, and makes you CC immune to almost everything when popping bestial wrath Beast Mastery - Let's you spend more talent points on your pet, don't forget it when taking thi
GSE: SLG-Hunter Beast Mastery 4 Macro Set 战斗 当前评分:0.3 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 63459 最后更新:2021-07-21 09:02 插件大小:10.34kb 最新版本号:ScaryLarryGames@Twitch.Tv Hunter BM Macro Set 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:ScaryLarryGames...
Welcome to our PVE Beast Mastery Hunter guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play a Hunter as Beast Mastery.
Beast Mastery Hunter guide to the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch July 16, 2018bendak62 Comments The pre-patch is almost here! Today the Beast Mastery guide I’ve been working on was published over at Wowhead. It covers pretty much everything for Beast Mastery in 8.0. If you haven’t been...
Mastery (1.75) 24681010Damage per second per point Pawn String ( Pawn: v1: "Beast Mastery Hunter (Noxxic)": Class=Hunter, Spec=Beast Mastery, Versatility=3.29, CritRating=2.40, HasteRating=2.33, Agility=1.75, MasteryRating=1.75 ) Copy Pawn String ...