Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
First recorded before 1000;Middle Englishbere, beare, beor(e),Old Englishbera;cognate withFrisianbār,Dutchbeer,Old High Germanbero,GermanBär;fromProto-Germanicberan-literally, “the brown one”; akin toOld Norsebjǫrn, bersi;compareLithuanianbė́ras“brown”;bruin ...
Old Englishberan"to bear, bring; bring forth, produce; to endure, sustain; to wear" (class IV strong verb; past tensebær, past participleboren), from Proto-Germanic*beran(cognates: Old Saxonberan, Old Frisianbera, Old High Germanberan, Germangebären, Old Norsebera, Gothicbairan"to ...
To bear (something) in mind is from 1530s. bear (n.) Old English bera "bear," from Proto-Germanic *beron, literally "the brown (one)" (cognates: Old Norse björn, Middle Dutch bere, Dutch beer, Old High German bero, German Bär), from PIE *bher- (3) "bright, brown" (see...
To bear (something) in mind is from 1530s. bear (n.) Old English bera "bear," from Proto-Germanic *beron, literally "the brown (one)" (cognates: Old Norse björn, Middle Dutch bere, Dutch beer, Old High German bero, German Bär), from PIE *bher- (3) "bright, brown" (see...
2. (intr) to draw back the lips revealing the teeth, as in a snarl or grimace 3. grin and bear it informal to suffer trouble or hardship without complaint n 4. a broad smile 5. a snarl or grimace [Old English grennian; related to Old High German grennen to snarl, Old Norse gre...
(intransitive)to move, be located, or lie in a specified direction bear a hand⇒to give assistance bring to bear⇒to bring into operation or effect See alsobear down,bear upEtymology: Old Englishberan; related to Old Norsebera, Old High Germanberanto carry, Latinferre, Greekphereinto bea...
[Old English beard; related to Old Norse barth, Old High German bart, Latin barba] ˈbearded adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 beard (bɪərd) n. ...
. In Old French Bernart, in German Bernard.bearable (adj.) "endurable," mid-15c., from bear (v.) + -able. Related: Bearably.bear-baiting (n.) "sport of setting dogs (usually mastiffs) to fight with captive bears," late 15c., from bear (n.) + baiting. It was prohibited in ...
They are considered sacred animals and are believed to possess spiritual powers. In Norse mythology, the bear is associated with the god Odin and represents courage and warrior spirit. The name 'Bear', therefore, carries these cultural connotations of strength and power....