“be associated with”是一个英语短语,其用法多样且广泛,主要表示将某事物与另一事物视为相关或相伴出现,强调两者之间的联系
be associated with的用法 be associated with是正确表达,指的是和…联系在一起;与…有关。be associated to是不常用的,一般是be related to。 be associated with 英[biəˈsəʊsieɪtɪd wɪð]美[biəˈsoʊsieɪtɪd wɪð] v.与…联系。 [例句]He no longer wished ...
“be associated to”和“be associated with”在英语中均用来表示两个事物之间的联系,但它们在用法和语境上存在一些细微的差异。 “be associated with” 含义:意为“与某事物联系在一起”或“与之相关联”,强调紧密联结和相互关联。 用法:更常见且广泛使用的英语短语,可以灵活地与多种介词、副词搭配使用,以表达...
1. be associated with的用法:be associated with主要用于描述某事物与特定个体或地方的关联,这种关联是固定的、公认的,有时甚至是法定的。例如,当描述某公司的高级管理人员时,可以使用这个短语来强调他们的职位和公司的紧密联系。此外,它也可用于描述某种知识与某人之间的联系,如某人“be assoc...
《用法词典》 Fractures of the nose may be associated with septal tractures and hematomas. 鼻骨骨折可伴有中隔骨折和血肿. 辞典例句 These procedures were likely to be associated with complications. 这些手术很可能发生并发症. 辞典例句 This may be associated with intraabdominal calcification. ...
一、指代不同 1、be associated with:与…联系。2、be related with:与…有关。二、侧重点不同 1、be associated with:关联更加紧密一些。2、be related with:关联不是非常紧密。三、引证用法不同 1、be associated with:主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。也可用作不及物动词,这时须接...
■(一般作 be associated)connect (something) with something else because they occur together or one produces the other (由于两者同时发生或一者产生另一者而)把(某物)与其他事物关联起来 the environmental problems associated with nuclear waste. 与核废料相关的环境问题. 不需要加be,直接用结果...
1. Kam will be based in Shanghai and take overall responsibility for the provision of services associated with shopping center management. 2. Despite tight security measures, cheerful emotions associated with a recovering global economy could still be felt across the city. 3. Their money should be...
associate通常可以用作动词或形容词,而associate with更多地用作动词短语,表示与某人或某事物的交往或关联。相对而言,be associated with主要用作系表结构,描述一种已经存在的联系或关联。总的来说,associate with和be associated with虽然都表示某种联系或关联,但在具体语境和用法上存在一定差异。理解...