SCORING If the examinee has made multiple endorsements for an item, the alternative with the highest rating is used. INTERPRETATION Total Raw Score Range 0-7 minimal 8-15 mild 16-25 moderate 26-63 severe · Consider any comorbid symptoms of depression. Perhaps, administer BDI-II also. ...
2options Publication date: 1996 Age range: 13 through 80 years Qualification level: B Administration: 5 minutes; self-administered, or verbally by a trained administrator Scoring options: Manual scoring or Q-global® Scoring & Reporting
A numerical engine for multilevel item factor analysis and test scoring. (Computer software). Vector Psychometric Group, Seattle, WA Class QA, Verhulst J, Heiman JR (2013) Exploring the heterogeneity in clinical presentation and functional impairment of postpartum depression. Journal of Reproductive ...
CHD 5063 Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) PURPOSE Is a 21-item self-report instrument for measuring the severity of depression in adult..