BCG矩阵 (Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share Matrix),也叫公司业务组合矩阵,是制定公司层战略最流行的方法之一。它提供了一种框架,帮助人们理解性质各异的业务,以及确定战略资源分配的优先次序。 BCG矩阵 该法将组织的每一个战略事业单位(SBUs)标在一种二维的矩阵图上,从而显示出哪个SBUs提供高额的潜在收益,以及...
Share on Facebook BCG Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia BCG abbreviation for (Medicine)trademarkbacille Calmette-Guérin (antituberculosis vaccine) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009,...
BCG矩阵 BCG矩阵(Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share Matrix )是将组织的每一个战略事业单位(SBU strategic businedd unit)标在一种二维的矩阵图上,从而显示出哪个SBU能提供高额的潜在利益,以及哪个SBU是组织资源的漏斗,区分出4种业务组合:问题型业务(指高增长,低市场份额明星型业务(Stars 指高...
We share how leaders, such as BCG’s Tiffany Yeh, drive inclusion through initiatives like our Inclusion Accelerator, holding events that celebrate diverse cultures and support local businesses. Our Diversity Affinity Networks and DEI Communities also continue to thrive, supporting 75% of our North ...
BostonConsultingGroup(BCG)Growth/ShareMatrix Dr.JeffShay THEBOSTONCONSULTINGGROUP PortfolioPlanning:FourAreasofEmphasis ••••AllocatingresourcesFormulatingbusiness-unitstrategySettingperformancetargetsAnalyzingportfoliobalance –Cashflow–Continuity–Risk THEBOSTONCONSULTINGGROUP BCGGrowth-ShareMatrix HighStar...
波士顿咨询公司(The Boston Group,简称BCG)与麦肯锡,罗兰贝格和埃森哲并称世界四大咨询管理公司。成立于1963年,BCG一直秉承着用知识管理占据市场的经营理念,已经在全球48个国家,设立了85家工作室,咨询顾问人数也已经超过了6200人。值得一提的是,在华经营二十余年,BCG分别在北京,香港,上海和台北设立了办公室。加入BCG这...
Boston Consulting Group is a global consulting firm that partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. Our success depends on a spirit of deep collaboration and a global community of diverse individuals determined to mak...
BCG stands for the Boston Consulting Group, a well-respected management consulting firm. The growth-share matrix aids the company in deciding which products or units to either keep, sell, or invest more in. The BCG growth-share matrix contains four distinct categories: dogs, cash cows, stars,...