Fans in India will have access to live action via F1’s over-the-top service for the first time, while beIN SPORTS will cover F1 in ten territories across Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Elsewhere in the motor sport spectrum, 2023 sees the end of the BT Sport brand i...
【F1】BBC Sport:汉密尔顿本周将前往梅赛德斯车队总部布拉克利(Brackley),以了解2024款F1赛车W15的研发进展,并与工程师和设计师进行交流,看看他们是否已经考虑并采纳了他的反馈意见。#f1##赛车# û收藏 7 34 ñ387 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...
恐惧、信仰、友谊:F1中最珍贵关系的内幕 BBC体育 灯光和模糊车体强烈混合,视线无法适应。耳朵混杂着1000匹马力的嘶鸣。鼻孔充满了燃烧的刹车风管的臭味。脊椎在道路节奏下来回震动。肢体和颈部不断与巨大的引力作斗争。 在赛场上以最高速度驾驶一辆F1赛车是人类能经受的最激烈的感官体验之一。 在赛车过程中,车手也会...
The official BBC Sport app offers the latest sports news, live action, scores and highlights. It's the best way to follow all the latest sporting action.Main features:- The ability to select your own personalised sports news notifications- Home screen displaying the top stories & analysis from...
Sunday Mirror (London, England)
With female footie fever rising ahead of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, the BBC has launched an inspiring trailer for the tournament.Part of the Beeb's Change the Game campaign which is shining a spotlight on women’s sport across the summer, the spot - created in-house by BBC Creati...
受气候变化的影响,未来有更多的体育赛事可能不能如期举办,甚至会被取消。一份新的报告强调了全球变暖的后果,以及这对体育场地和场馆的影响。本期 “随身英语” 就此展开讨论。 文本: 词汇:sport 体育运动 For sportsfans, there’s...
Someone who is worried about the relationship between fast food and sport is Dr Sandro Demaio. He worked for the World Health Organisation specialising in obesity before starting his own public health agency in Australia. Neil Here is D...
SKY SPORTS and Formula One -- to my mind that's a match made in heaven. Now, my mind is more easily swayed by swooshy graphics, people shouting and the dual roar of a semi-orgasmic commentator and petrol engines. But still. You see what I mean.Jones, Dan...
BBC SPORT | Motorsport | Formula One | F1 teams to reduce engine costsBbc Co Uk