BBC News is an operational business division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs in the UK and around the world. The department is the world's largest broadcast news org
In today’s world, technology provides us with rapid, real-time access to stories happening everywhere, from our own neighborhoods to across the globe.My World Media Literacyresources explore the world of news to help students find out how stories become headlines, understand the role of journalis...
#听写答案#【20240518_BBC Business Today Headlines】#中英对照# 字幕听写:新浪微博@Methodist(江西财大国际学院) 字幕校对: --【BBC听力微博群】The toughest job in Corporate America, Boeing hunts for a new boss to rebuild its reputation. 10元阅读全部 还有57%的精彩内容,付费后...
Byline: By AMBER MORALES, Fashion EditorThe Mirror (London, England)
#听写答案# #中英对照# 20240612_BBC Business Today Headlines 苹果终于进入了它所谓的人工智能领域,与开放的人工智能合作,让Siri变得更聪明。 英国的住房成本是英语国家中最高的。 我们着眼于那些想拥有自己的房子和那些试图建造他们的挑战。 新加坡航空公司拨出了100多万美元来赔偿这架被形容为绝对可怕的航班上受伤...
《20241019_BBC_Business Today_Headlines_中英字幕》,于2024年10月19日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
20241114_BBC Business Today_Headlines_中英字幕_主要内容:,于2024年11月15日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
The official BBC World Service news app by Zeno Media LLC offers the latest programmes and news headlines from the BBC World Service. You can to listen to the l…
A Thai court has ruled against a proposal by the country's most popularpolitical partyto amend the harsh royaldefamation law. 泰国一家法院驳回了该国最具人气的政党提出的修改严厉的王室诽谤法的提议。 The UK government is expected to publish the d...
A Thai court has ruled against a proposal by the country's most popularpolitical partyto amend the harsh royaldefamation law. 泰国一家法院驳回了该国最具人气的政党提出的修改严厉的王室诽谤法的提议。 The UK government is expected to publish the details of its deal with Northern Ireland's Democrat...