我一直在尝试使用CUDA 8.0在windows10上编译tensorflow 1.1 inception withbazel0.4.2。ERROR: C:/users/me/appdata/loc 浏览3提问于2017-05-18得票数0 2回答 用LTCG构建Tensorflow 、、 我在建筑的半路上撞到了这架飞机: setBAZEL_VC=C:\Program Files (x86 ...
Gazelle will set an importmap on a go_library or go_proto_library by concatenating this with the relative path from the directory where the prefix is set to the library. For example, if importmap_prefix is set to "x/example.com/repo" in the build file //foo/bar:BUILD.bazel, then a...
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) Contributor Author rockwotj Dec 6, 2024 I still need to do this in vtools, this is for the public build which isn't maintained. Contributor Author rockwotj commented Dec 6, 2024 This is only for Bazel, once this lands I can upgrade vtools build as ...
bazelembedded/bazel-embedded- Set of bazel toolchains and tools, for compiling and uploading to embedded targets hexdae/bazel-arm-none-eabi- embedded ARM toolchain hexdae/toolchains_riscv_gnu- RISC-V toolchain f0rmiga/gcc-toolchain- A fully-hermetic Bazel GCC toolchain for Linux ...
可以根据工具链配置自动生成平台约束def generate_constraint_set_platform(): available = get_available_unique_platform_idetifier() native.constraint_setting( name = "platform", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) for item in available: native.constraint_value( name = item, constraint_setting ...
Set Android Databinding to v2 and Databinding AndroidX to true and remove support for Databinding V1. C++ / Objective-C [Incompatible]Added a new flag--incompatible_use_host_features. When this flag is enabled,--featuresonly applies to targets built in the target configuration, and--host_featu...
Therepository rulewas relatively straightforward. It just uses the standard bazel mechanisms to download a tarball and template expand a knownBUILDfile into place. TheStarlark fileis where all the real work lies: First, we just define a common set of preprocessor defines which will be applied to...
Getting set up To publish Build Scans to your Develocity server, you need to pass a few additional command line options to Bazel. The simplest way to do so is to add the following to the .bazelrc file in your build workspace. common:develocity --remote_cache=grpcs://«develocity-...