当你遇到 bash: route: command not found 的错误时,这通常意味着 route 命令在你的系统中没有安装,或者其可执行文件的路径没有包含在环境变量 $PATH 中。下面我将根据你的操作系统和环境,提供一些可能的解决方案。 1. 确认用户的环境和操作系统 首先,你需要确认你正在使用的操作系统。route 命令通常用于 Linux...
在容器内执行route命令会报错 bash: route: command not found 2.原因 容器内没有安装route命令 3.解决办法 (1)bash: ip: command not found apt-get update && apt-get install -y iproute2 (2)bash: yum: command not found 1 apt-get update && apt-get install yum (3)bash: ping: command ...
(5)bash: vi: command not found apt-get update && apt-get install vim 1. (6)bash: route: command not found apt-get update && apt-get install -y iproute2 && apt-get update && apt install net-tools 1. (7) bash: netstat: command not found apt-get update && apt install net-tools...
traceroute 命令利用 IP 协议的“生存时间”字段,并尝试从每个网关到某个主机的路径引发ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED响应。 [root@CentOS7-1 ~]# traceroute -bash: traceroute: command not found [root@CentOS7-1 ~]# yum install traceroute -y 语法格式 traceroute [-46dFITUnreAV] [-f first_ttl] [-g gate...
格式:route add default gw {IP-ADDRESS} {INTERFACE-NAME} 用于设置默认路由(adds a default route, which will be used if no other route matches),其中, 参数{IP-ADDRESS): 用于指定路由器(网关)的IP地址(Specify router IP address); 参数{INTERFACE-NAME}: 用于指定接口名称,如eth0(Specify interface ...
bash: ip:commandnot found ping pingxx.xx.xx.xx bash: ping:commandnot found 三、解决过程 ip 安装工具 iproute2 # 我的服务器是centos的yuminstall-yiproute2# 如果出现yum:command not foundapt-getupdate 或apt-getinstallyum# 再次执行安装命令yuminstall-yiproute2# 如果 yum install -y iproute2 ...
Solution 2: if you're using git bash, , use the following command $ ., If not, check the route of the document you've put into the bash profile, and be sure to fully restart, the bash console after., in c9 command line i.e., $ *. ...
instead of relying on exit status codes. My debug method is that when a command doesn't work correctly in a script, I run the command individually in an interactive shell. This method works much better than trying fancy tactics with breaks and exits. I go this route because (most of the...
“E Unable to locate package package_name”错误 查看IIS 中每个网站的资源使用情况 Linux监听网络流量工具iftop Mysqldump命令参数介绍 Blackbox Exporter 端口监控与网络探测实现 FirewallD防火墙 常见网络攻击类型及排查处理建议 端口状态 LISTENING、ESTABLISHED、TIME_WAIT及CLOSE_WAIT详解 Linux Centos路由添加route命令...
bash: ip: command not found Centos安装 # yum install iproute2 iproute2-doc Ubuntu安装 # apt-get install iproute2 iproute2-doc