你可以在终端中运行以下命令来检查 curl 是否已安装: bash curl --version 如果系统返回 curl 的版本信息,那么它已安装;如果返回 -bash: curl: command not found 的错误,则表示 curl 未安装。 查找适用于用户操作系统的curl安装命令: 根据你使用的操作系统,安装 curl 的命令可能会有所不同。以下是一些常见...
bash: curl: command not found OR bash: /usr/bin/curl: No such file or directory 1. 2. 3. 此错误的最常见原因是 Linux 系统上未安装“curl”。与预安装的其他一些命令不同,“curl”可能需要单独安装。 在Linux 中安装 curl 要在Linux 上安装curl,请对您的特定 Linux 发行版使用以下适当的命令。 su...
So you never had access to curl? So did you get the "bash: curl: command not found" error? Let us help you with the causes of this error. Possible reasons of "bash: curl: command not found" error Let's talk about possible causes and solutions for this error. 1. cURL package may...
用户命令一般在:/usr/bin 或 /usr/sbin 路径下。先到这些路径里去找找 curl 吧。1)如果有,那么基本可以肯定是环境变量未加入的问题。echo $PATH 看看结果中是不是没有上述四个路径。没有的话就加入环境变量 PATH 里去。具体加环境变量的方法网上搜一下吧。2)如果没有,那就是说,这个不属于...
-bash: curl: command not found 卸载后重新安装 -bash: curl: command not found rpm -e --nodeps curl yum remove curl rpm -qa|grep curl yum -y install curl curl --version
《卓有成效的程序员》本书就是讲述如何在开发软件的过程中变得更加高效。本章会介绍一些不那么显而易见、价值却毫不逊色的自动化方法。本节讲述的是用bash统计异常数。 用bash统计异常数 这里有一个使用bash的例子,你可能会在一个典型的项目中遇到类似的情况。当时我在一个已经有6年历史的大型Java项目中工作(我...
调用bash的时候出现curl command not found 调用bash的时候出现curl command not found 解决办法: apt-get install curl
Error: -bash: curl: command not found ? I have successfully installed ruby using terminal commands, but for unknown reasons I can no longer access the commands curl, sudo, and many others. I would prefer to figure out what i did to make these commands not available and fix that, but i...
Error: -bash: curl: command not found I have successfully installed full ruby (1.8.4) using terminal commands, but for unknown reasons I can no longer access the commands curl, sudo, and many others. Although i had access to these commands a few minutes ago, i can't get any of them...
调用bash的时候出现curl command not found 调用bash的时候出现curl command not found 解决办法: apt-get install curl