The GNU Bourne-Again SHell (BASH) incorporates features from the C Shell (csh) and the Korn Shell (ksh) and conforms to the POSTIX 2 shell specifications. It provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for working on *nix systems and is the most common shell used on Linux systems. Useful ...
createdb, dropdb: Drop -o default, it does not appear to do anything good here (e71b452) createuser: New completion (7999f28) dropuser: New completion (3cf50a1) profile.d: Avoid some warnings from shells in "nounset" mode (Debian: #776160) (c725e6b) cppcheck: Option argument (non...
/bin/ksh # Getopts Long USAGE="s(showconfig)" USAGE+="c:(createdb)" USAGE+="l:(createlistener)" USAGE+="g:(generatescripts)" USAGE+="r:(removedb)" USAGE+="x:(removelistener)" USAGE+="t:(createtemplate)" USAGE+="h(help)" while getopts "$USAGE" optchar ; do case $optchar i...