Slang dictionary based [beysd] September 6, 2018 What doesbasedmean? Basedis a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine (or acting like you were), but wasreclaimedby rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you—to carry yourself with sw...
As can be seen in Figure 6, the results of the proposed method are satisfactory, thus indicating td22otdtd22hhh00b00eeeaaa01001tjttetettee75757cctcc)tt)AAathathhattsecenecneneess.hdhdddFdmmcmcaaisassa2n2gn2ieeieinn0m0gmmug0ttt11hhhe1erbbu5uu5eo5ooeeilillddcdn7ctnttcssaoaoaoeseiiin2nrn2...
The quantitative findings indicated School B students were more motivated by the project than School A students, which mirrored student performance. The student focus group findings generated three themes: constructing empathy, learning for impact, and navigating challenges. The discussion focuses on an ...
Multifractal characterization of urban form and growth: The case of Beijing. Environ. Plan. B Plan. Des. 2013, 40, 884–904. [CrossRef] 90. Gao, P.C.; Liu, Z.; Xie, M.H.; Tian, K.; Liu, G. CRG index: A more sensitive ht-index for enabling dynamic views of geographic ...
The additional indicators replenish this dimension with the employee ratio between the third and the first sector to sketch the local employment structure, the share of the working-age population to assess the available labor force, and the share of urban population to estimate the population who ...
billionSwynoorndys.m dictionary: There are several available synonym data sources, such as the synonym dictiSoynnaornyyAmBCdiTcthieosnaaurryu: sT, htheereCahrienesseevDeriacltiaovnaairlya,bHleITsyInRo-LnaybmTodnagtayiscoi uCricliens,frsoumchHaasrbthine Isnysntoitnuytemof dTicetcihonnoarloy...
effect parameters couldBabseeddoetnertmheingeedoswpaitthiaal bfiogc-udsatoanpblautiflodrimng, szoannadl pchipaeralicnteesr.isAticbvuaflfuereszoonf esitoefe5ffemctwpaasradmeefitneersd cuonuilfdorbmelydeatserthmeininefdluwenitthialaafroecauosfotnhebsuiitledeinffgesctafnodr aplilpbeuliinldeisn. ...
ebrtesh.ecTrheheeciskteeadxtbfmoigrining processpselilsinggeannedraslylyntdaxiveirdroerds ainntdom: toerxpthporloegpircoalcensosrimnagl,izdaatitoana, nwahliylesiCs,hrineessueltdvocisuumaelinztaotniolynn, ekendoswtoledge discobveercyh,eectkce.,doffowr shpieclhlintegxetrprorersp,rboecceasussieng...
Yang, B.; Purves, R.; Weibel, R. Variable-resolution compression of vector data. GeoInformatica 2008, 12, 357–376. [CrossRef] 31. Dilo, A.; van Oosterom, P.; Hofman, A. Constrained tgap for generalization between scales: The case of dutch topographic data. Comput. Environ. Urban ...