School Overview Bard Academy at Simon’s Rock is a two-year boarding and day program designed to prepare 9th and 10th graders to start college early. Within six years of entering Bard Academy as a high school freshman, a student who matriculates into Bard College at Simon’s Rock after ...
录取喜报~恭喜留美网L同学斩获巴德学院Bard Academy at Simon's Rock录取~在这里小编想要告诉各位家长朋友们,L同学因为在面试过程中表现出色所以第二天就拿到了学校的录取offer!巴德学院是极少数拥有大学水平设施的私立高中之一,致力于艺术、科学和技术、研究和学术,以及健康、社区和体育。巴德学院的学生以新的令人振奋...
What is the latest tuition for Bard Academy & Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Co-ed student? Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Bard Academy & Bard College at Simon’s Rock? What is the FindingSchool rating for Bard Academy & Bard College at Simon’s Rock?