* Example to move fields from BAPI parameter EXTENSION2 to structure * * ACCIT (accounting document line items). * * The dictionary structure (content for EXTENSION2-STRUCTURE) must * * contain field POSNR, (TYPE POSNR_ACC) to indentify the correct line * * item of the internal table A...
* Example to move fields from BAPI parameter EXTENSION2 to structure * * ACCIT (accounting document line items). * * The dictionary structure (content for EXTENSION2-STRUCTURE) must * * contain field POSNR, (TYPE POSNR_ACC) to indentify the correct line * * item of the internal table A...
点击界面上的Interface按钮,可以看到,这个 BADI 的实现有两个方法,其中CHANGE方法就是我们需要实现的方法。 这个方法可以从 Example implementation class 拷贝,完全不用改动。 method if_ex_acc_document~change.data:wa_extensiontypebapiparex,ext_value(960)typec,wa_accittypeaccit,l_reftyperef to data.field-...
* Example to move fields from BAPI parameter EXTENSION2 to structure * * ACCIT (accounting document line items). * * The dictionary structure (content for EXTENSION2-STRUCTURE) must * * contain field POSNR, (TYPE POSNR_ACC) to indentify the correct line * * item of the internal ...
Example: In BAPI EXTENSION param you have specified the Field1 = 'CUSTOMER' then in the User exit you should read the EXTENSION table with Field1 = CUSTOMER and then put you code with IF condition or esle the BAPI - User-exit will be will be triggered for all BAPI calls for this BAPI...
Another example is the offsetting account for revaluation: Reconciliation account for appreciation to the acquisition and production costs of assets. Information: the offsetting account is triggered in ABZON for the depreciation areas that post to GL in real time. Also, any acquisition done by ABZON...
After poring over SDN for hours together, I discovered that there was no one document which detailed the posting of FI Documents with Tax lines. This post is an endeavour to make it easier for other looking for the similar content. While posting FI documents, for example vendor invoices in ...
*ExampletomovefieldsfromBAPIparameterEXTENSION2tostructure* *ACCIT(accountingdocumentlineitems).* *Thedictionarystructure(contentforEXTENSION2-STRUCTURE)must* *containfieldPOSNR,(TYPEPOSNR_ACC)toindentifythecorrectline* *itemoftheinternaltableACCIT.* ...
My example is for posting a FB65 document. Best regards Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2011 Mar 31 6:37 PM 0 Kudos 238 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Can you see if there were any documents posted on the day in question? Just look at the date of ...
Example: w_compt = w_compt + 1. GL Item. accountgl-itemno_acc = w_compt. accountgl-comp_code = t_notilus-comp_code. accountgl-tax_code = t_notilus-vat_cod. accountgl-item_text = t_notilus-item_text. accountgl-doc_type = t_notilus-doc_type. APPEND accountgl. Currencyamount...