说明: F-02对应的bapi是BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST,这个是最常用的产生凭证的bapi,但是在SAP系统中还有资产报废过账的标准事务代码和对应的bapi(BAPI_ASSET_RETIREMENT_POST),本文实现的是用F-02对应的BAPI进行资产过账。 注:在过账的时候一定要保证所有行项目的金额之和为0,手工过账的时候金额都是写的负数,但是BAPI...
METHOD if_ex_acc_document~change. DATA:ls_asset_value TYPE zssh_test_asset_value_str, ls_extension2 TYPE bapiparex, ls_accit TYPE accit. CHECK sy-uname EQ 'SHISH'. LOOP AT c_extension2 INTO ls_extension2. ls_asset_value = ls_extension2+30(960). CLEAR ls_accit. READTABLEc_acci...
资产号传到asset_no,ANLN2必填,不然填了类型会dump。如果报错 AAPO 007 nconsistent with FI/CO document: different document structures,很有可能是增强字段给覆盖了(比如增强字段有anln1资产号把gl account表的覆盖了),如果gl account表没传资产号报错很容易看出来,如果在增强里清空了,此时已经过了检查,报错就很...
ls_asset_value = ls_extension2+30(960). CLEAR ls_accit. READ TABLE c_accit INTO ls_accit WITH KEY posnr = ls_asset_value-posnr. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_asset_value TO ls_accit. MODIFY c_accit FROM ls_accit INDEX sy-tabix. "lv_tabix. ENDIF. 1. 2. 3. ...
Solved: Hello all, I'm using this BAPI to replicate the financial accounting flow. I've achieved to post almost of document types but asset documents. I've got the
Hi, I want to post asset together with expense into one document. The first approach is to use BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST with custom obj_type, like ZBKPF. But when we post
But for asset and other type of documents no parameters to pass values to the BAPI. There is no error message i am getting to post here.So,how to overcome this scenario. Thanks, sai karthik. Reply Former Member 2014 Sep 02 11:51 AM 0 Kudos 163 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP ...
关于BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST解读 BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST是SAP ERP提供⽣成会计凭证的标准BAPI,这个BAPI可以⽤到多种场景⽣成会计凭证,实际项⽬中⼀般情况下更多的是⽣成应收和应付的会计凭证,分别对应客户和供应商,本例使⽤该BAPI⽣成资产价值,对应前台事务为F-90.使⽤F-90,前台做凭证⼀般...
参考网址:error bapi BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST 848 FF | SAP Community 参考步骤 实际代码 FORM frm_create_exp TABLES it_exp_item TYPE zttif_hly_exp_log CHANGING lt_return TYPE zbapiret2_t iv_no_commit TYPE flag. DATA:ls_documentheader TYPE bapiache09, ...
Hi, I am posting a JV on ASSET through BAPI 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST'. I am getting a error that GL account in not defined in chart of accounts. To GL accnt I am passing