Of the 144026 characters on Anime Characters Database, 23 are from the anime Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia.
爆丸·星域争霸 Bakugan Battle Planet! 5383 97 02:44 App 焚烧希望!铂金·邪怒烈虎 Platinum Wrath 合金款!爆丸·进化 Bakugan Evolutions! 5413 32 02:31 App 游戏限定!创世独角龙 ULTIMA DRAGONOID 爆丸·装甲联盟 Bakugan Armored Alliance ! Switch《爆丸·维斯托亚之冠》 6541 23 01:47 App Bakugan...
Battle like you’ve never battled before! Attention Brawl Nation! The new Bakugan anime is packed with characters and battles you won't want to miss! Stream new episodes on Netflix, then bring the action home with new Bakugan toys!
Bakugan: Battle Planet: Created by Man of Action. With Jonah Wineberg, Margarita Valderrama, Deven Christian Mack, Will Bowes. Bakugan Battle Planet follows the adventures of Dan Kouzo and his best friends: the first kids on Earth to bond with the myster
Bakugan Wiki Others Like You Viewed Drago List of characters Alpha Hydranoid Spectra Phantom Apollonir Top Pages this Week Dan Kuso 1 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 2 Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia 3 Alice Gehabich 4 Shun Kazami 5 Advertisement Bakugan Wiki 6,299 pages Explore Content Social ...
资源名称爆丸:星域争霸 资源集数全52集 适合年龄11-14岁 语言版本国语版52集+英语版52集 资源格式MP4 视频画质2160P 下载方式百度网盘 视频 资源信息 普通13元 月会员免费 终身会员免费推荐 其他信息 解压码 有效期 7 天内有效 最近更新 2024年05月26日 ...
For the character in the Battle Planet series, see Shun Kazami (Battle Planet).“ Speed and stealth is the way of the ninja. ”—Shun, Battle For the Second ShieldShun Kazami (風見 駿 (シュン), Kazami Shun?) is one of the main protagonists of the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers...
Bakugan Battle Planet Bakugan DuelApril 23, 2020 Bakugan Battle Planet Bakugan Duel provides you with a challenge like no other where you have to handle duel against powerful monster avatars. Just select your character and press tart button to face your first enemy. Throw balls to make a hit ...