“bad operand type for unary -: 'str'”错误意味着你尝试对一个字符串(str)执行一元负号(-)操作,但字符串类型不支持这种操作。在Python等编程语言中,一元负号通常用于对数字类型(如整数或浮点数)执行取反操作。 2. 常见场景 这个错误通常发生在以下几种场景中: 误用变量类型:你可能原本想对一个数字变量执行...
bad operand type for unary +: str 错误提示的代码示例 以下是一个 Python 3 中的 bad operand type for unary +: str 错误提示的代码示例: # 错误提示:尝试将字符串类型与一个算术表达式作为操作数进行运算value="hello"operator="+"# 尝试进行运算result=value+operator# 错误提示:运算结果无法转换为字符串...
在执行对字符串的连接操作时报错TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str' s='A'+'B'+'C'+'D'+'E' 解决方案:增加换行符(对的,这里就是这么简单。。。) s='A' \+'B' \+'C' \+'D' \+'E' 没了,其他的可能,或许可以在下面这里找到 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54839901/pyth...
第8行 改成 print("sorry, " + new_user)
Example of TypeError: bad operand type for unary ‘str’ One example of type error isTypeError: bad operand type for unary +: ‘str’it is raised when we use the unary plus operator (+) on a string value. The unary plus operator(+) shows a positive value, and it is recommended to ...
This issue maybe silly, I'm new to this area, Sorry to have your time. When I run into the TrainModel.ipynb def draw_image_with_label(img, label, prediction=None): theta = label * 0.69 #Steering range for the car is +- 40 degrees -> 0.69...
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'list' Reproduction What command or script did you run? python tools/test.py /home/jovyan/cascadetabnet/CascadeTabNet/Config/cascade_mask_rcnn_hrnetv2p_w32_20e.py /data/epoch_24_GeneralModel.pth --eval mAP ...
老师我的代码在train_steps出错了,报错,TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'Operation'train_step = -tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) 汤嘉豪 2018-09-21 源自:TensorFlow与Flask结合打造手写体数字识别 3-6 关注问题 我要回答 2417 分享 操作 收起 ...