Tool for easy backup and restore for ClickHouse® using object storage for backup files. - clickhouse-backup/go.sum at v2.5.19 · Altinity/clickhouse-backup
New Windows based Dreambooth solution with Adam8bit support might support 8gb cards (anon reported 11 MBs of extra vram needed, so if you lower your vram usage to its absolute minimum, it might work) instructions:
9trJWW2sRlGub4wZJRTW83VtbOLS6hwcDZXTn6oPz9s= v0.0.0-20200918131355-0a33824f23a2/go.mod h1:8IgZOBdv8fAgXddBT4dBXJPtxyRsejFIpXoklgxgEjw= v0.0.0-20210301145711-11e8f1707f62/go.mod h1:A9zfAbMlQwE+/is6hi0Xw8ktpL+6glmqZYtevJgaB8Y...