Backkom Bear: Agent 008: Directed by Li Qingfang. With Junghyeon Choi, Taekyun Kim, Shuiyu Tang, Jiaqi Xu. With the human exploitation of natural resources, the Arctic environment is completely destroyed, leaving only the last polar bear to survive. Jess
《【官方Official】贝肯熊大电影《大卫贝肯之倒霉特攻熊》 - BIG SCREEN MOVIE: Backkom Bear Agent 008 - Trailer 2》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
《【官方Official】贝肯熊大电影《大卫贝肯之倒霉特攻熊》 - BIG SCREEN MOVIE: Backkom Bear Agent 008 - Story behind the movie!》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊 简介 随着人类对自然资源的过度开采,北极的环境被完全破坏,只剩下最后一只北极熊得以存活。人类女孩杰西卡收养了这只北极熊,为他取名贝肯。杰西卡是安全部非常出色的特工。贝肯虽然也梦想当一名特工,但体态笨拙又总是闯祸的他只能
简介 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊5.8 90分钟 - 动画/家庭/冒险/喜剧 - 2017 立即购票
简介 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊5.8 90分钟 - 动画/家庭/冒险/喜剧 - 2017 立即购票
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- "Agent Backkom: Kings Bear," a Chinese animated production, will hit Chinese mainland big screens on Jan. 1, 2020, the film's official Weibo account announced Friday. A sequel to the 2017 film "Backkom Bear: Agent 008," the film tells the story of Backk...
#大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊# #Backkom Bear: Agent 008#, an #animated film# inspired by the hit series with the same title, will open in #Chinese theatres# on Friday.
Backkom Bear: Agent 008: Directed by Li Qingfang. With Junghyeon Choi, Taekyun Kim, Shuiyu Tang, Jiaqi Xu. With the human exploitation of natural resources, the Arctic environment is completely destroyed, leaving only the last polar bear to survive. Jess