Dull backgrounds are yesterday. Spice up your site using CSS background colors with Hex color codes in any size, fixed or padded.
HTML color names: There are 140 color names supported in CSS. Yellow, fuchsia, maroon, and sky blue are just a few examples. Hex color codes: These codes are composed of three pairs of characters representing the intensity of the three primary colors. Possible values range from 00 (the ...
The first and simplest way to change the background color is by using inline CSS, which appears in the HTML code itself. To use inline CSS, find the opening tag of the element you want to target, then add the attributestyle=“background-color: yourcolorhere...
The background-color property is used to change the background color. Inserting it to the element you will have a full colored cover of the page. Example of setting a background color with the CSS background-color property:<!DOCTYPE html> Title of the document body { background...
HTML background code is actually CSS! View Output Choose a color with theHTML color chart. Background Image You can set a background image using thebackground-imageproperty. Using the code below, you need to change/pix/samples/bg1.gifto the location of your background image. If you nee...
CSS background-color property sets an element background color. The background of an element is the total size of it which includes padding and border (but not the margin). So, for setting a background color you need to choose any color. You can choose colors from our Color Picker ...
{background-color: hsla (X, Y%, Z%, A); }whereXis a number between 0 and 360,YandZare numbers between 0 and 100, andAis a number between 0 and 1. Several examples are shown below: CSS DeclarationOutput p { background-color: #00FF00; } ...
Hex codes are one way to declare a color in CSS. There are also a whole bunch of names that you can use, for example: .page-wrap{background:white;}footer{background:black;}.almonds{background:blanchedAlmond;} These colors aren’t very flexible, but they can come in handy in a pinch...
Paragraph tag CSS Here, I've simply applied the opacity syntax which is discussed above with background color black and opacity of 0.2, and some extra property which is basically for the text so that it can be visible properly. Similar codes go for all the tags, just the opacity change...