backdrop-filter:blur(12px); &.active{display: flex;flex-direction: column; } } } } } } Apparently thebackdrop-filter: blur(12px);does not work for mydiv.dropdown-content, but for my header it is working just fine. Thediv.dropdown-contentis above my other contents on the webpage ...
nav{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.85);overflow: auto;height:100%;flex:000px;flex-grow:1; backdrop-filter:blur(8px); -webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(8px);z-index:8;margin-top:50px;transition: all700ms; } css safari Share Improve this question ...
Last Known Working Electron version No response Expected Behavior Have an electron application with vibrancy enabled. Get some text or other element and add another element with both a transparent background and the backdrop-filter set to blur(10px) (or any value). This should just have the ...
Steps to Reproduce I have a background image which fills whole screen and I want to blur only one part of the screen. Strange thing happens when I add Text widget, it seems that BackdropFilter then takes whole screen instead just part of...
The backdrop-filter property in CSS is used to apply filter effects (grayscale, contrast, blur, etc) to the background/backdrop of an element. The
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus in id quos, est voluptatibus ...
bug (I believe) in Safari. It has a background color, which seems to turn off the backdrop-filter entirely. On Edge, I’m not sure what is happening. The edges of the red box are crisp all the way around, so perhaps the red background is being repainted on top of the blur?
Although I am not sure why the dialog is not displayed on ipad ? I also checked on Android and iOS simulators wherein, the blur backdropfilter seems to work properly as shown below on both platforms: I will keep the issue open for team's tracking / attention....