Make a generous contribution to theComics Curmudgeontoday! —Uncle Lumpy Post Content Baby Blues,12/21/21 Video is an illusion, a series of still images run in sequence so quickly that your brain can’t perceive them as individual pictures and instead smooths them together to create what appea... 訪問總量 6.9K -- 上個月變化 450.8% 0% 平均訪問時長 00:00:12 -- 每次訪問頁數 2.55 -- 跳出率 62.05% -- 使用我們的免費試用版,與所有網站進行比較 依國家劃分的流量佔有率 與 stickycomics.com與 依據國家/地區流量分析顯示,stickycomics....