I noticed the difference in behaviour because I was using ansi-escapes#clearscreen which shouldn't clear the buffer but it does in xterm.js.Copy link Member jerch commented May 5, 2021 ESC c means "reset to initial state" (RIS). By defintition it resets almost everything on the termi...
bemoanthestateoftheun bemockboofleer bemodelledon be more of a hindranc bemsilk bemsilkie be much in demand on bemuchmorelikelytosuf be much pleased at bemusedconfoundeddelu bemusedfatuousmuzzysl bemusemuzz be my escape ben-oil benactyzine benadrly benadrlydiphenhydrami benadrylhydrochloride benan...
but i saved it i put but i think theres a but i took your match but i unknown but i walk in but i wanted todd but i was carried awa but i was loved once but i what all can no but i wish some wasnt but i wont be weeping but im better off on but im content to a c but...
Note that bmenu uses ANSI/VT100 terminal escape sequences to draw the menu in the terminal window. Most modern terminal programs support these sequences so this should not be an issue for most users. If yours does not, the menu may not render properly in your terminal window. ...
在java等编程语言中,反斜杠\具有转义的特殊作用,比如\t表示制表符,\n表示回车,所以如果你想在字符串里使用\的本意,就要用双反斜杠,即\\才表示\ 具体来说,要把你路径里的反斜杠改成“\\”,即“C:\Users\su\Desktop\\TT1.txt”改为“C:\\Users\\su\\Desktop\\TT1.txt,其实还有其他...
在JAVA中反斜杠本身具有转义的作用,要表示一个正则表达式中的\,必须用\\转 义 String reg=".*\\$d.*";matches应该是匹配整个字符串,因此要在前后加上表示任意字符的.ss.matches(".*Ling.*");以上回答你满意么?
把你的里面的\全部替换为\\即可 String reg = "(^[0-9]{3,4}\\-[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^\\([0-9]{3,4}\\)[0-9]{3,8}$)|(^0{0,1}13[0-9]{9}$)";String s = "13942000603";System.out.println(s.matches(reg));这样匹配不是更快么?
trigraph sequence replaced ISO C treats constant as unsigned: operator semantics of operator change in ISO C; use explicit cast B.2.154 -xtrigraphs -xtrigraphs 选项确定编译器是否识别 ISO C 标准定义的三字符序列。 缺省情况下,编译器假定 -xtrigraphs=yes 并识别整个编译单元的所有三字符序列。
在 -xalias_level=strict 级别上,编译器假定涉及不同 C 基本类型的内存引用并不互为别名。编译器假定使用 char * 的引用可以使用任何其他类型的引用作为别名。 std 如果使用-xalias_level=std 选项,编译器将假定类型和标记必须相同才能作为别名,但是,使用 char * 的引用可以使用涉及其他任何类型的引用作为别名。
Anti-multiple myeloma B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies represent a promising treatment strategy with high response rates in myeloma. However, durable cures following anti-BCMA CAR-T cell treatment