Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridLink/read、/write、/delete Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates/write、/delete、/read 准备SQL Server 实例 若要准备 SQL Server 实例,需要验证: 是否至少使用了支持的最低版本。 是否已启用可用性组功能。
对于Azure SQL 托管实例,你应是SQL 托管实例参与者的一位成员,或具有自定义角色的以下权限: Microsoft.Sql/ 资源必要的权限 Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/read、/write Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridCertificate/action Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/read、/delete、/write、/complete...
Explore SQL Managed Instance, built on the SQL Server engine. Get always-up-to-date applications with the latest SQL features and functionality.
高 DTU、CPU 或 IO 利用率可能表明工作负载需要更多资源。 它还可能指示查询需要优化。 若要了解 Azure SQL 数据库和 Azure SQL 托管实例中支持的指标,请参阅Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases、Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools和Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances。
Azure Container Instances Azure Container Registry Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL Azure Database for MySQL - 유연한 서버 Azure Database for PostgreSQL Azure Elastic SAN Azure 기능 Azure HDInsight Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Load Balancer ...
源SQL 托管实例上的 Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/readBackups/action。 目标SQL 托管实例上的 Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/crossSubscriptionPITR/action。 如果你要创建自己的密钥 (BYOK),该密钥必须存在于这两个订阅中。 还原现有数据库 可以使用 Azure 门户、PowerShell 或 Azure CLI 还原同一订阅中...
登录到 SQL Server 实例(命令提示符) 用于数据库管理员的诊断连接 SQL Server Express LocalDB 远程服务器 SQL Server 监视器概述 缓冲池扩展 服务器配置选项 概述 访问检查缓存 即席分布式查询 ADR 清除程序重试超时 ADR 预先分配因素 affinity 输入/输出掩码 ...
Azure CLI enables you to create new managed instances using az sql mi create command.PrerequisiteThe prerequisite for this sample is to prepare Azure resource group , Virtual Network and subnet where the Managed Instance will be created using the instructions described here. The easies...
We are thrilled to announce a set ofmajor performance improvements for Azure SQL Managed Instances, which enable you to migrate your more performance-hungry database workloads to Azure SQL Managed Instance. These improvements include more than doubled transaction log write throughput for G...
potential performance issues such that you can react in time and have your business running smoothly. There exist a number of options for monitoring and alerting of managed instances that can be considered, be it Microsoft cloud native, on-premises products, custom solutions, ...