在此內容中中, Azure 會提供定域機組的平台而定域機組的消費者 (或整合式的 ISV 建置定域機組的解決方案或企業) 使用此平台來建置應用程式)。 例如 Live 網狀結構資料的同步處理平台,運用開發和裝載 S + S 服務使用者的 Windows Azure 與 Azure Services 平台。
In this regard, they’re superior even to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) services. However, there are certain configuration options available in serverless environments that can be used to tune the performance characteristics of Azure Functions. Let’s walk through ...
資源:此索引標籤會要求您選取要建立連線的 PaaS 資源。 針對想要的訂用帳戶,從資源類型選取 [Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults]。 完成之後,請選擇您的復原服務保存庫名稱作為 [資源],並選擇 [AzureBackup] 作為[目標子資源]。 設定:在設定中指定要建立私人端點的虛擬網路和子網路。 此項目為 VM 所在的 Vnet。
Caching 服务是 Windows Azure 平台的重要组成部分,以平台中的“平台即服务”(PaaS) 产品为基础。Caching 服务与 Windows Server AppFabric Caching 基于相同的代码库,因此其开发人员体验与内部缓存相同。 Caching 服务为开发人员提供以下功能: 针对会话状态和页面输出缓存的预置 ASP.NET 提供程序,使您无需修改应用程序...
Azure PaaS (サービスとしてのプラットフォーム) オファリング上で実行されるほとんどのサービスには、DR をサポートするための機能とガイダンスが用意されており、お客様はサービス固有の機能を使って迅速な復旧をサポートでき、DR 計画の開発に役立ちます。 このセクションでは、App ...
With Kubernetes, you can use PaaS services, such as Azure Service Bus, to develop and run your applications.In this tutorial, part five of seven, you create an Azure Service Bus namespace and queue to test your application. You learn how to:...
This solution provides built-in customizable threat detection for Azure SQL PaaS services in Azure Sentinel, based on SQL Audit log and with seamless integration to alerts from Azure Defender for SQL. This solution includes a guided investigation workbook with incorporated Azure Defender alerts. Furth...
With the addition of Azure App Service, Azure now provides a new level of back-end integration for web and mobile services. What Is Azure App Service? Azure App Service is a fully managed "Platform as a Service" (PaaS) that integrates Microsoft Azure Websites, Mobile Services, and BizTalk...
Do you want to take the Platform as a Service (PaaS) approach? Do you want to rebuild your experience from the ground up to take full benefit of the cloud? (Not everyone can afford to take the time needed or has the budget to do this.) Or do you want to take the Infrastructure...
Azure IoT Hub:Microsoft’s IoT connector to the cloud. It enables reliable and secure bi-directional communications between millions of IoT devices and a solution back end. If you have your own Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), use an Intel device connected to Azure IoT Hub to complete the edg...