如果您計劃透過 Azure 入口網站來管理您的環境,請使用 Azure 平臺登陸區域入口網站加速器。 部署 Azure Landing Zone 入口網站加速器需要擁有權限,以便在租用戶(/)範圍內建立資源。 若要授與這些許可權,請遵循使用ARM模板進行租戶部署的指引:必要的存取權。
An Azure landing zone uses subscriptions to isolate and scale application resources and platform resources. Subscriptions for application resources are called application landing zones, and subscriptions for platform resources are called platform landing zones....
See the effect of an HPC scenario on Azure landing zone design. Understand the differences between Azure Batch and Azure HPC OnDemand Platform (AzHop).
Azure landing zones are designed to meet customers’ specific needs based on today’s requirements, followed by a clear path to customize and mature any personalized landing zone implementation. This begins with selecting an implementation option for a landing zone, which will quickly deploy a starti...
Azure landing zones are the output of a multisubscription Azure environment that accounts for scale, security governance, networking, and identity.
Alanding zone archetypedescribes what needs to be true to ensure a landing zone (Azure subscription) meets the expected environment and compliance requirements at a specific scope. Examples include: Azure Policy assignments. Role-based access control (RBAC) assignments. ...
Warning: Important information for customers using azure/caf-terraform-landingzones This solution, offered by the Open-Source community, will no longer receive contributions from Microsoft. Customers are encouraged to transition to Microsoft Azure Verified Modules (https://aka.ms/avm) for continued supp...
Tailwind Traders is excited to be embarking on the Azure journey and excited that using landing zones will help them implement that journey quicker. However, they are worried about choosing the wrong landing zone and what impact that will have on their journey in the longer term. If they were...
Tailwind Traders is excited to be embarking on the Azure journey and excited that using landing zones will help them implement that journey quicker. However, they are worried about choosing the wrong landing zone and what impact that will have on their journey in the longer term. If they were...
AnAzure landing zone (ALZ)architecture is scalable and modular to meet various deployment needs. A repeatable infrastructure allows you to apply configurations and controls to every subscription consistently. Modules make it easy to deploy and modify specific Azure landing z...