The following code example overrides the constructor and the SetAboutBoxDelegate and AttachInterfaces methods of an AxHost-derived class that wraps the Microsoft Masked Edit ActiveX Control. This code requires that you've generated the source code by running the AxImp.exe tool on the MSMask32.ocx...
8.SetVariable 语法:SetVariable(name As String, value As String) 说明:将由 name 指定的 Flash 变量值设为 value。 例子:movie.SetVariable "/Form:UserName", "John Smith" 9.SetZoomRect 语法:SetZoomRect(left As Long, top As Long, right As Long, bottom As Long) 说明: 将影片中指定的矩形区...
8.SetVariable 语法:SetVariable(name As String, value As String) 说明:将由 name 指定的 Flash 变量值设为 value。 例子:movie.SetVariable "/Form:UserName", "John Smith" 9.SetZoomRect 语法:SetZoomRect(left As Long, top As Long, right As Long, bottom As Long) 说明: 将影片中指定的矩形区...
Set the path property: The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Parameters: path - the path value to set. Returns: the DynamicsAXResourceDataset object itself. withSchema public DynamicsAXResourceDataset withSchema(Object schema) Set the sc...
this.SetAboutBoxDelegate(new AboutBoxDelegate(AboutBox)); } public virtual void AboutBox() { // If the instance of the ActiveX control is null when the AboutBox method // is called, raise an InvalidActiveXStateException exception. if ((this.ocx == null)) { throw new System.Windows.Forms....
Set the path property: The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Parameters: path - the path value to set. Returns: the DynamicsAXResourceDataset object itself. withSchema public DynamicsAXResourceDataset withSchema(Object schema)...
produce digital music for Bandcamp and teach. They have a rehearsal studio that they rent that is connected to several rehearsal spaces as well as a very large room that the bands can "sign out" for a set amount of time to calibrate their live rigs. Every once in a while they have get...
this.SetAboutBoxDelegate(new AboutBoxDelegate(AboutBox)); } public virtual void AboutBox() { // If the instance of the ActiveX control is null when the AboutBox method // is called, raise an InvalidActiveXStateException exception. if ((this.ocx == null)) { throw new System.Windows.Forms....
Set the queryTimeout property: Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((\d+)\.)?(\d\d):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])). Overrides: DynamicsAXSource.withQueryTimeout(Object queryTimeout) Parameters: queryTimeout with...
O diagramă coloană 3-D, con 3-D sau piramidă 3D are o adâncime (serie) axă, numită și axă z, pe care o puteți modifica. Puteți să specificați intervalul dintre gradațiile și etichetele axelor, să le modifica...