使用Sagemaker-spark-library和SagemakerEstimator中的内置模型(K-means,PCA,XGBoost)可以更快速和方便的进行模型训练,并且可以使用Sagemaker中的很多其他功能,比如参数调优。 Model Monitoring:Sagemaker的模型监控,监控数据偏差,异常值等,以及新的特征,集成SageMaker Clarify可以监控是否有数据偏差,并且和CloudWatch集成,进行SNS...
Metrics 提供了资源使用的情况的监控信息。这些 Metrics 可以用于监控、分析和设置警报。 cloudWatch告警 Auto Scaling操作:增加或减少 EC2 实例的“desired”数量 EC2 操作:停止、终止、重启或恢复 EC2 实例 SNS 通知:向 SNS 主题发送通知 创建一个Alarm 监测Ec2 cpu的使用情况 利用率大于80告警 创建一个新的SNS to...
AWS IoT Device Defender also lets you continuously monitor security metrics from devices and AWS IoT Core for deviations from what you have defined as appropriate behavior for each device. If something doesn’t look right, AWS IoT Device Defender sends out an alert so you can take action to ...
To monitor the throughput, you can check theNumberOfMessagesPublishedand theNumberOfNotificationsDeliveredmetrics for SNS, and theIncomingBytes,IncomingRecords,DeliveryToS3.RecordsandDeliveryToS3.Successmetrics for Kinesis Data Firehose. For additional information, seeMonitoring SNS topics using CloudWatcha...
AWS monitoring allows you to track the health, performance, and uptime of cloud resources and the application workloads running on Amazon Web Service.Monitor specific CloudWatch metrics for over 80 AWS monitors, automatically discover new instances and gain visibility into your infrastructure using our ...
Notifies you when your SNS configuration for AWS IoT Device Defender is misconfigured. Dimensions Device Defender detect metrics MetricDescription NumOfMetricsExported The number of metrics exported for a cloud-side, device-side, or custom metric. The system reports the number of metrics exported ...
awsmicroservicesaws-lambdaserverlessaws-s3aws-sdkaws-apigatewayaws-cliaws-sqsaws-cognitoaws-snsaws-step-functionaws-dynamodbaws-cdkaws-eventbridge UpdatedDec 5, 2023 JavaScript arikchakma/mly.fyi Star92 Monitor your sent emails effortlessly. Gain insights on delivery status and engagement metrics with...
You can use the CloudWatch metrics, MessageWithFindings and MessageWithNoFindings, to track how frequently PII/PHI data is published to an SNS topic. Here’s an example of what the CloudWatch metric graph looks like as the amount of sensitive data published to a topic varies over time: ...
E. Configure an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) event to monitor the S3 bucket. When an image is uploaded, send an alert to an Amazon ample Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic with the application owner's email address for further processing. ...
在CloudWatch 控制台中,为 Lambda 函数相关 Metrics 设置报警阈值,并选择通知方式。您可以配置 Email、SMS、SNS 主题等多种通知方式,确保在函数出现异常时能够及时获知。 4. AWS X-Ray:调用链追踪 目的:追踪 Lambda 函数的调用链,分析性能瓶颈。 在Lambda 函数的配置页面中,选择 "监控" 标签,启用 "X-Ray 追踪...