使用Cassandra API 库时,我们为开源 Apache Cassandra 项目提供错误修复。我们还回馈改进,例如对 AWS 身份验证的内置支持 (SigV4),它为在Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)上运行 Cassandra 的客户简化凭证管理,因为 EC2 和 IAM 可以使用实例角色自动处理凭证的分发和管理。我们还宣布为 AWS 促销服务抵扣金额提供资...
除了Elasticsearch的应用,AWS今年还推出另一套关于Apache Cassandra资料库的完全代管服务,称为Amazon Managed Apache Cassandra Service(MCS)。在这套云端服务之中,开发人员可以继续沿用与Apache Cassandra相同的程式码(相容于Cassandra 3.11)、符合Apache 2.0授权的驱动程式,以及现今所用的工具,以便执行、管理与扩展Cassandra...
Amazon Managed (Apache) Cassandra Service 是全托管的可扩展、高可用的Apache Cassandra兼容的数据库服务;Amazon Elasticsearch Service UltraWarm 可用于海量数据弹性搜索服务的新型存储层,降低成本提高效率。 另外,AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) for Amazon Redshift 创新的新型硬件加速缓存,查询性能比其他云数据仓库...
AWSApplicationAutoscalingCassandraTablePolicy AWSApplicationAutoscalingComprehendEndpointPolicy AWSApplicationAutoScalingCustomResourcePolicy AWSApplicationAutoscalingDynamoDBTablePolicy AWSApplicationAutoscalingEC2SpotFleetRequestPolicy AWSApplicationAutoscalingECSServicePolicy AWSApplicationAutoscalingElastiCacheRGPolicy AWSApplic...
Amazon Aurora Amazon Inspector Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)[3] AWS Database Migration Service Amazon Chime SDK Amazon Kendra Amazon SageMaker AWS DeepRacer Amazon CloudWatch Logs Amazon Keyspaces(适用于 Apache Cassandra) Amazon Simple Email Service(SES) AWS 弹性灾难恢复 Amazon CloudWatch Sy...
Amazon Keyspaces(用于 Apache Cassandra)是一种可扩展,高可用, 托管的 Apache Cassandra 兼容数据库服务. See Also https://aws.amazon.com/keyspaces/. 千位二进制字节的缩写形式,1 KiB 为 2^10 字节,即 1024 字节.1 kilobyte (KB) 为 10^3 字节,即 1000 字节.1024 KiB 为 1 mebibyte (MiB). Amazon ...
Partition—spreads instances across many different partitions (which rely on different sets of racks) within an AZ. Scales to 100s of EC2 instances per group (Hadoop, Cassandra, Kafka) Up to 7 partitions per AZ Can span across multiple AZs in the same region ...
There is a limit on the number of running On-Demand Instances per AWS account per Region. On-Demand Instance limits are managed in terms of the number of virtual central processing units (vCPUs) that your running On-Demand Instances are using. For example, with a Standard instance limit of...
Key-value store, column store DynamoDB Cloud Datastore Megastore Tables, DocumentDB Cassandra, CouchDB, RethinkDB, Redis Memory cache ElastiCache App Engine Memcache Redis Cache Memcached, Redis Search CloudSearch, Elasticsearch (managed) Search Algolia, QBox, Elastic Cloud Elasticsearch, Solr Data...
AppServiceHTTPLogs AutoscaleEvaluationsLog AutoscaleScaleActionsLog AzureActivity AzureAttestationDiagnostics AzureBackupOperations AzureDiagnostics AzureLoadTestingOperation AzureMetrics CCFApplicationLogs CHSMManagementAuditLogs CIEventsAudit CIEventsOperational CassandraLogs ChaosStudioExperimentEventLogs CloudAppEvents Co...