The video decoder comprises a DSP (digital signal processor) and a coprocessor which are adopted for joint decoding of software and hardware; DSP completes a software decoding part, completes analysis of an AVS protocol, generates various parameters required by decoding, and controls the decoding ...
./configure --enable-libxavs --enable-decoder=avs --enable-decoder=avs2 3. 编译FFmpeg 3.1 编译 运行以下命令编译FFmpeg: make -j$(nproc) 3.2 安装 编译完成后,安装FFmpeg: sudo make install 4. 验证AVS解码支持 4.1 检查解码器 运行以下命令,检查AVS解码器是否已启用: ffmpeg -decoders | grep avs...
xavs_decoder.exe 第一个参数为待解码文件,第二个参数为工作模式,codec.avs 当mode = 0的时候只解码不显示,可以测试解码器性能,可以参考test_xavs_decodee_mode0.bat文件 当mode = 1的时候解码并显示,可以查看解码器的解码效果,后面4个参数为显示的屏幕的左上角坐标及宽高如(0 0...
1. AVS decoder SDK实例 2. AVS参考软件 3. AVS视频码流解析软件QtAVS 这几种解码器各有优劣,但是普遍来说都不好用。尤其是有的解码器在解码某些测试流的时候会出现不少bug。并且通过看源码可以发现,这几个软件都已经很多年没有更新过了。 推荐的解码方法: ...
Implementation Based on FPGA/SoC Platform REN Peng-fei1,YU Hong-yang1 1Research Institute of Electronic Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu Sichuan 611731, China Keywords: 3D video, stereo-packing algorithm, decoder design, FPGA/SoC Co-platform ...
By being tested on the Nios II-based testbench of AVS video decoder, the module is proved to work well. Key words : AVS video decoding;reverse scan;inverse quantization;inverse transform;Nios II AVS标准是我国第一个拥有自主知识产权的数字音视频编解码标准,其编码效率比国际标准MPEG-2高2~3倍,与...
Key words :3D video;stereo-packing algorithm;decoder design;FPGA/SoC co-platform 0 引言 AVS[1](audio video coding standard)是《信息技术 先进音视频编码》系列标准的简称,是我国具有自主知识产权的第二代信息编解码标准。2008年底,AVS标准工作组开始起草双目立体编解码方案[2]。该方案采用双目拼接算法,所用...
ZYNQ 7020 So C development board,this paper innovatively completes the AVS 3D decoder on FPGA / So C co-plat-form.Using HDMI port to export the decoded data to the 3D display device,it gets the 3D video with depth information and veri-fies the validity of AVS 3D real-time decoder.会议...
An AVS decoder has been implemented with the consideration of HW/SW optimized partitioning. Several parallel techniques, such as MB (Macro-Block)-based parallel and block-based parallel techniques, and several pipeline techniques, such as MB level pipeline and block level pipeline techniques are ...