The average height for American women is 63.7 inches (approximately 5 feet 3 inches) and the average weight is 168.5 pounds, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There has been a significant increase in the average height and weight of American women since 1960 whe...
aHealthy, reproductively-capable women have a waist-to-hip ratio of between .67-.80. A ratio of .70 was found to be the average ideal, across time and culture, regardless of the woman's overall body size and weight. 健康,再生可胜任的妇女有一个腰部对臀部比率在.67-.80之间。 比率.70...
1. 完形填空 Body image—the waypeople feel about their looks—is a big problem for many young people today.According to a1, more than half the teenage girls in theUSA think2 should be on a diet(节食), and almost one in five teenage boys are3 about their bodies and their weight. But...