复数:averages现在分词:averaging过去式:averaged 搭配 同义词 反义词 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 平均,平均数 2. 【商】海损;海损费用;(给领航的)报酬 3. 一般水平,平均标准 adj. 1. 普通的,一般的 2. 平均的 3. 【商】按海损估价的 v.
averages是什么意思、averages怎么读 读音:英[ˈævərɪdʒɪz] 美[ˈævərɪdʒɪz] averages 基本解释 n. 平均水平( average的名词复数 );(速度等的)平均率;平均估价 averages 词性变化 原型:average 词组短语 1、average ofaverages[经] 平均数的平均率 ...
Snowfallaveragesout in this part of the country at twenty inches a year. 我国这个地区每年的平均降雪量为20英寸. 《简明英汉词典》 These values should be regarded as roughaveragesonly. 这些数字只能视为粗略的平均值. 辞典例句 The use ofaveragesin such circumstances is obviously deceptive. ...
第三人称单数: averages; 过去式: averaged; 过去分词: averaged; 现在分词: averaging; 副词: averagely; 实用场景例句 全部 平常的 平均的 典型的 平均数的 平均水平 平均率 分摊 Sometimes I pay, sometimes he pays─it seems to average out (= result in us paying the same amount) . 有时我付钱,...
Excel的基础函数中求和函数是最为人熟知,也是最常用函数之一,SUM、SUMIF、SUMIFS都是求和函数,今天我们不讲求和函数,今天说的是求平均值函数,在名字结构上很像求和函数,它们分别是AVERAGE 、AVERAGEIF、AVERAGEIFS函数,它们的区别是:AVERAGE是直接求平均值;AVERAGEIF单条件求平均值;AVERAGEIFS多个条件求平均值。 平均值...
1. How to Calculate Averages in Excel (Step By Step) Calculating averages is an essential task in Excel that supports you in summarising data and gaining valued insights. Excel offers numerous methods in order to calculate averages, whether you are dealing with numbers, grades, quantities or ...
average的用法如下:作名词时,描述一组数据的数学平均值,通常是将所有数值相加后除以数值的总数。例如:The average of the test scores was quite high.(测试成绩的平均分相当高。)作形容词时,用来形容某事物是普通的或者标准的,不特殊也不异常。例如:He's of average height.(他的身高是中等...
动词三单形式:averages 动词过去式:averaged 动词过去分词:averaged 动词现在分词:averaging 四、词语搭配 above average(高于平均水平)below average(低于平均水平)on average(平均来说)average out(平均分配)average down/up(平均下降/上升)五、双语例句 The average temperature in July is 30...
He averages seven hours of sleep a night. verb (used without object) averaged,averaging. to have or show an average: to average as expected. verb phrase to purchase more of a security or commodity at a higher price to take advantage of a contemplated further rise in prices. ...