Ocean wavesWindGravityAltitudeVelocityAccelerationStatistical distributionsStatistical testsSurface propertiesPower spectraThe main objective of this investigation was to interpret and present the results of field measurements made by the National Institute of Oceanography, using a cloverleaf buoy and to compare...
Molly fish’svibrant colorsmake them an attractive addition to your fish tank, having in mind how they are one of the most friendly fish pets that live in freshwater. Stats Before we move on to the details of molly fish, let’s have a quick glance at themolly fish’s stats. ...
Mean sea surfaceHY-2AJason-3Sentinel-3AMoving averageExact repeat missionA new mean sea surface (MSS) model (named Shandong University of Science and Technology (2018) (SUST2018) MSS model) with a grid of 1' x 1' over China seas and its adjacent ocean (0 degrees N similar to 41 ...