第一步影像下载 影像须使用BIGEMAP地图下载器中Google Earth无偏移影像,并具有无Google小水印、免封IP、影像更新更快等特点。 首先在图源列表中选中Google Earth图源,实现与矢量数据准确套合、叠加。在此通过矩形区域选择下载边界(如图 1所示),然后双击下载并选择合适的层级(如图 2所示)。 图1 选择下载边界 第三步...
方法/步骤 1 影像下载影像须使用BIGEMAP地图下载器中Google Earth无偏移影像,并具有无Google小水印、免封IP、影像更新更快等特点。 首先在图源列表中选中Google Earth图源,实现与矢量数据准确套合、叠加。在此通过矩形区域选择下载边界,然后双击下载并选择合适的层级,如图所示。2 坐标系转换BIGEMAP提供了投影变换工具...
Process images up to 10x faster from different providers (Google, Google Earth, Bing, ESRI, Mapbox) in satellite, map, or hybrid image mode in normal, medium, high, or highest resolution. Export terrain meshes from Google Earth to Autodesk® Civil 3D®. Now you can export a CAD-Earth...
首先在图源列表中选中Google Earth图源,实现与矢量数据准确套合、叠加。在此通过矩形区域选择下载边界(如图 1所示),然后双击下载并选择合适的层级(如图 2所示)。 图1 选择下载边界 第三步 坐标系转换 BIGEMAP提供了投影变换工具,在软件右侧工具列表中(如图 3所示);点击“投影变换”工具弹出影像投影变换对话框(如图...
You can select different service providers (Google Earth, Google, Bing), image resolution (normal, medium, high, highest), and image mode (satellite, map, hybrid). Images can be imported to AutoCAD in full color or grayscale in major image formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF) and can be clipped ...
google earth connection I have downloaded and installed the geplugin from autodesk lab to Map 3D but I can't find any icon in the map interface after installation or the command is not recognized. Is there any how to on managing this plugin? Any help will do. Report ...
help making a contour map from gis points (1) help me (1) help needed (2) help or advice (1) help please (6) help please! (6) help required (1) help system (2) help window (1) help with acad.pgp (1) help with surface to solid (1) helps (1) hidden line (1) hidden ...
0706-应用位图图像(0706-Applying bitmap images) 0707-弯曲的映射对象(0707-Mapping curved objects) 0708-将地图投影上弯曲的对象(0708-Projecting maps on curved objects) 0709-导入平面图(0709-Importing floor plans) 0710-建模与平面图(0710-Modeling with floor plans) ...
可以考虑用MapGIS软件,它可以自动将扫描的地形图绘出等高线,不过差错比较多,还需要人工修改,然后再转化为CAD文件。MapGIS正版的比较贵,售价约在6000-10000。 佳烨装饰邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (4) AutoCAD中地图边界线如何绘制?以地图为背景,利用AutoCAD进行精确制图,边界如何绘制? 共3条回答 > hyfucjvututhc...