Run,%ProgramDir%\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe%A_ScriptName% else { ToolTip,找不到文件%ProgramDir%\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe,%A_ScreenWidth/2-150,%A_ScreenHeight/2-150 SetTimer,RemoveToolTip,5000 Sleep,3000 } } ; 09重启此脚本() { Reload } ; 10终止此脚本执行() { ToolTip,%A_ScriptName%...
; AutoHotkey版本1.1 ;=== 强制自身以 U64 + 管理员权限 运行,编译此脚本时选择 ANSI 32位 === runwith("admin","U64") MsgBox,0,. 快捷键提示:,Alt+空格 Maye`n`n~ Total Commander`n`nAlt + 3 MasterSeeker`n`nAlt + 4 CloseAll`n`n双击Ctrl 关闭显示器屏幕`n`nAlt+Z 退出此脚本,3 ;--...
AutoHotkey AHK language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build system definitions, commands for ahkrun, ahkcompile, ahkrunpiped. - ahkscript/SublimeAutoHotkey
Run, AutoHotkey.exe "Focus.ahk" "ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}" , %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey (Explanation - This will load the Focus.ahk that you downloaded and pass the name of the emulator to the new AHK. You can put anything else in this Running AutoHotKey Tab but ...
RunMonitor.ahkfrom your working folder to check that everything works (Optional) The contents of thelibfolder can actually be placed in one of the AutoHotkey lib folders (egMy Documents\AutoHotkey\lib- make it if it does not exist), and the#includelines of the sample scripts changed to#inc...
(how would AHK to know which hotkey to run if that was the case? that is when you get the error "Error: Duplicate Hotkey" when attempting to run a bad script like that) For example, this below works fine. If I had notepad open, or this exact webpage I'm typing on now because...
I use a simple AutoHotkey script to open our toolbar (python script) at the top of the screen. That way the title bar of the toolbar window becomes hidden off screen and I only see the buttons. Here is the script for the curious ones: Run, c:\Program Files\Aut...
本吧热帖: 1-Autohotkey分享帖 2-Autohotkey下载地址 3-(萌新求助)如果游戏有延迟该怎么写代码 4-求助帖:Send大小写字母 数字的时候怎样避免输入法的影响 5-如何为每个热键单独维护一个计数变量,避免不同热键之间的干扰 6-关于热键的重复调用 7-请教各位大佬 8-【分享】
In the menu that appears, selectNew -> AutoHotkey Script. Type a name for the file, ensuring that it ends in.ahk. For example: Test.ahk Right-click the file and choose Edit Script. On a new blank line, type the following: #space::Run ...