Bypass captchas for the cheapest price. Solvecaptcha is an auto captcha solver. Fastest captcha solving service. Google reCAPTCHA solver
One of the fastest, accurate, and unlimited automated captcha recognition & bypass API web service provider online. Supports image captchas, FunCAPTCHA, GeeTest, hCAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA v2, v3 and invisible reCAPTCHA as well as audio and text captchas.
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AntiCaptcha Solver 扩展允许您自动解决在任何网页上找到的验证码。 - 1.1.2版本修复了使用funcaptcha不显示验证码求解器按钮的问题---使用AI 自动解决 reCAPTCHA、hCaptcha、FunCAPTCHA、AWS WAF 和文本验证码。免费供个人使用。适用于所有网站。支持的验证码类型: - 图像到文本验证码- 验证码 v2 - 验证码 v3 - ...
A very fast and accurate and low cost OCR captcha solver, decoder, and decaptcha system for any types of captcha challenges. Only $0.0007 per captcha image solved.
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Captcha Solver: Auto Recognition and Bypass - Chrome 应用商店 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载 收录于8个月前 阅读数 93 下载插件crx文件 扩展ID: ifibfemgeogfhoebkmokieepdoobkbpo2Captcha Solver plugin allows you to automatically solve CAPTCHAs found on any webpage. An official 2Captcha solver ...
Fastest online captcha solving service starting at just ¥7 for 1,000 captchas. Service supports APIs including PHP, Python, C++, JAVA, C#, and JavaScript, ensuring seamless integration with your applications. Efficient, reliable, and cost-effective, c
Contribute to StargazerSylpha/Bilibili_show_ticket_auto_order development by creating an account on GitHub.
MORE_ACCURATE_CAPTCHA_SOLVER Option to use more accurate solver (slight slower) (default: True) DELAY_EACH_ACCOUNT SLEEP between each account (default: [15,25]) USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE Whether to use a proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False)Quick...