Autocad 2022 & REVIT 2021 sur PC de bureau avec Windows 7 pro sp.1 64 bits CPU intel coreI7 6700 GPU Nvidia quadro K420 DIRECTX 11.1 RAM 32G Corsair DDR4 Report Reply Reply 2 Likes Link copied handjonathan Community Manager in reply to henry_cremieux 11-18-...
I'm new to Fusion (coming from Tinkercad), and I was looking for some Gridfinity boxes to print but couldn't find the size I was looking for. Then, out of the blue and with pure luck, I stumbled upon this awesome plugin!!! AMAZING!!! Now I can literally make any size I want...
7、启动对应版本的xForcekeygen32bits或64bits注册机。8、先粘贴激活界面的申请号至注册机中的request中,9、点击generate算出激活码,在注册机里点... kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) 安装Auto CAD2014 2012会被覆盖吗?能覆盖的是那几个版本? 共3条回答 > W小姐💄: 1、AutoCAD2012和AutoCAD20...
7 position tool bar. 7 ISO20 tool holders compatible with ER20 collets — capable of holding bits with up to 1/2″ shank. Compressed Air is required: We recommend a compressor with 4 scfm at 90 psi of clean, dry, un-oiled compressed air. Look for a compressor that can maintain this...
A Grand Theft Auto concept, partial wishlist and the first 'DLC' to Grand Theft Auto: Borders. Other concepts by me (and others): Grand Theft Auto: Carcer City Grand Theft Auto: Borders (Read this for a more serious story in this setting.) Grand Theft Au