October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The 2021 theme, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities… Read More August 5, 2021 Disability Issues are not Partisan Issues ...
NON-SPEAKER AWARENESS THEME FOR 2023 and BEYOND: LISTEN TO AS MANY NON-SPEAKING AUTISTICS AS YOU CAN COMMUNICATION IS A HUMAN RIGHT. Listen Movie:https://autisticstrategies.net/keyword/listen/ The Autistic Strategies Network is a collaborative initiative by autistic people to optimise autism individu...
As another Autism Awareness month is over, I’m feeling silent. Acceptance or not, I shall carry on being here. Diagnosis or not, I shall carry on being who I am. Noticed or not, I shall still be. Wasn’t it Descartes who said, “I think as an autistic, therefore I am an autist...
On August 22nd, I met Jonah and the van of other students and staff from Anderson at the Duchess County Fair for Sensory Awareness Day – and, just like last year, Jonah and I walked around by ourselves for the first couple hours. He didn’t want to go many of the rides, though he...
2024. A themed event was held at the Peking University Health Science Center Kindergarten on Tuesday, this year's World Autism Awareness Day, to convey goodwill and care for autistic children and their families through various activities such as crafts making, dance performance, children's painting...
It’s very difficult to imagine there was much room for awareness to increase over the decade under study,never mind that it could increase enough to cause autism prevalence to more than quadruple in the youngest age group. Still no answers ...
Display of banners to increase public awareness of autism This year’s theme is on “Assistive Technologies, Active Participation”, as declared by the United Nations. The awareness day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 62/139. World Autism Awareness Day was passed in...
Sounds good to us. In Wildwood, New Jersey. It’s amazing how families are taking charge and creating opportunities. This is what awareness and yes, acceptance is about. With a cherry on top! If you’re on the Jersey Shore, check them out. ...
Abilene Spectrum Connection is a non-profit organization that will be hosting the 2nd Annual 5K Walk/Run to for Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Education.First off, Spectrum Connection was founded in January 2022 to fill the gap and a need in the Abilene community. They are a group of ...
with this year’s theme being “Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination”. On this day and throughout the month of April there will be fundraisers, walks and hands-on activities to promote awareness and a better understanding of life on the autism spectrum. Check with your local autism organiza...