After incubation in the various media they were able to hemagglutinate in a different extent.%Adhäsive Oberflächenstrukturen, Fimbrien oder Pili und outer membrane proteins" (OMP) bzw. als A- und S-layer bezeichnete Komponenten gelten als Voraussetzung f眉r die Haftung von Bakterien ...
A conceptional model is proposed that relates different subprocesses such as aggregate breakdown, aggregate deformation, particle rearrangement and different factors such as soil cover, microrelief, stone cover, and macropores to surface sealing and runoff generation. We conclude that loess soils and ...
The restructuring of the engineering schools into well-defined competence centres has led to a reorganisation of chemistry training in western Switzerland: chemical engineering and computational chemistry at Fribourg, and analytical chemistry at Sion, in both cases within a general chemical training ...
Our understanding of physical processes has often been reflected in the form of numerical models that assist academics in unraveling the many complexities that exist in our physical environment. To that end, integrated surface water-groundwater models attempt to simulate the complex processes and ...