找到AURA或者Lighting_Control 在公用程序分类里找到AURA或者Lighting_Control软件(有时需要点击查看更多才行),下载并安装。 将所有的支持AURASYNC神光同步的硬件正确连接到主板上,有些硬件比如机箱散热器等需要有一根跳线连接到主板的USB2.0跳针上才能正确被识别;机箱等灯带性质的要直接连接主板上的RGB灯带插针上。显卡和...
点到驱动程序和工具软件,然后在Select OS那里选择自己对应的系统。 Lighting Control 就是这个软件,版本会比光盘里的更新,因此建议大家有网络的话都用这个方法来下来主板驱动或者相关的功能软件~只要有网络就行了。 至于显卡部分,操作方法是一样的,把两个软件都下载好,然后安装。 两个软件 上面是主板的,下面是显卡...
华硕提供了一个单独的软件ASUS Lighting Control,可以在Windows下分别控制PCH侧的RGB灯及另一侧的音频灯带效果。RGB灯方面,软件提供了灯光开关及六种模式切换:常亮模式、呼吸模式、随播放音效变色闪动模式、色彩循环模式、闪烁模式及随处理器温度改变色彩模式;音频LED灯则只有一种颜色,但提供了恒亮、呼吸和流动及关灯...
Step2. In Aura RGB interface, (1) Enable Aura RGB (Default is enabled) (2) Select the preferred light effects modes. There are total 7 lighting effects (3) Part of the lighting effects support color control that you can change the lighting color from here. You may refer to the Aura...
在公用程序分类里找到AURA或者Lighting_Control软件(有时需要点击查看更多才行),下载并安装。将所有的支持AURA SYNC神光同步的硬件正确连接到主板上,有些硬件比如机箱散热器等需要有一根跳线连接到主板的USB 2.0跳针上才能正确被识别;机箱等灯带性质的要直接连接主板上的RGB灯带插针上。显卡和内存一般不...
Well, the motherboard has built-in RGB LEDs but they are not called Aura, that's why I'm confused haha. 0 Kudos Reply Nate152 Moderator 08-29-2016 09:10 AM If the motherboard is not Aura controlled I doubt you can sync them, you can probably set them both to the same...
it has no RGB lighting. Lastly, I have something plugged into the RGB header at the top of the board. I can't remember what this is but it seems to control the power to all lighting on the board. I've always had this plugged in and never changed this since I firs...
我也有类似的问题啊,aura打开的时候就能保持主板显卡同步RGB颜色变化,但是重启或者关机再开之后就只有显卡RGB了,主板变回单色,感觉华硕的AURA和自家板子兼容性非常不好 -李舜生- 新兵 1 LZ解决了吗 我笔记本也有这个问题 笔记本键盘和鼠标亮着亮着就卡住了 贴吧用户_0XtXS47 新兵 1 求助,我不想让主板和显卡...
Product name:ARGB/RGB 10 Bit HUB;model:ARGB 4PIN + RGB 3PIN;Color:Black;Type:Case , fans;DC:5V / 12V;Interface:3PIN / 4PIN;Single package size:6X6X5 cm;Single gross weight:0.500 kg;Private Mold:Yes;Products Status:Stock;Place of Origin:CN;GUA;Brand Name:
ASUS Aura Sync Download: Best Software to Synchronize Lighting and Control RGBHave you just bought an ASUS Aura Sync compatible motherboard or graphics card? But wondering where to download Asus Aura Sync software and have control over the lighting? Well, you are just in the right place! Here...