These antibiotics, which were applied in accordance with the antibiogram, were discontinued each 16-32 days after the patient had become afebrile and CSF was free from bacteria. In spite of this, further meningitis relapses followed even when the CSF cell count dropped from 12000/3 to 32/3...
uumlber den einflu szlig von konservierungsmitteln auf enzymatische vorg aumlnge UberdenEinfluBvonKonservierungsmitteln539WahrendmanbeifrischenLorchelnmanchenJahreneinestarkeGiftigkeitbeobachtet,geltendiegetrocknetenPilzeallgemeinalsabsolutgiftfrei.MangabbisherbeidiesenVergiftungenderwasserloslichenHelvellasa...
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or, in the case of photocopying, direct payment of a specified fee to...
Peasnitrogen fertilizerRhizobiumsymbiotic bacteriaInfluence of ascending nitrogen supply on the development of Rhizobium symbiotic bacteria on peas (Pisum sativum L. ssp. sativum) in nutritive culture solutionThe effect of ascending N-supply with 4 different levels from 0.1 to 1.56 mg atom/L culture ...
In den letzten Jahren wurden f眉r die Aluminium-Elektrolyse immer weitergehende Maßnahmen gefordert, um die Emissionen von Fluor und Staub herabzusetzen. Durch die Entwicklung der trockenen Abgasreinigung und durch eine ständig verbesserte Erfassung der Abgase aus dem Elektrolyseofen ist ...
Mitzunehmenden Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten der Streichmaschinen m眉ssen die Schaber diesen neuen Bedingungen angepaßt werden, um ein gutes Laufverhaken der Streich farben zu bewahren. Wenn dabei die optischen Eigenschaften der Papiere Einbußen erleiden, kann durch Gestaltung der Schaberspitze ...
In addition, there was a decrease of OPA and of the product OPa 脳 HR (a measure of pulsatile ocular blood flow), which finding may be explained by a cardiac stroke volume reduction that is typical for nitrates. Due to these hemodynamic effects and due to the only weak IOP reduction, ...
This addition (concentration from 1 to 3%) lowered the reaction velocity up to 50%.doi:10.1002/lipi.19880900602Dr. Vl. FilipDipl.- Ing. O. ?ápováProf. Dr. J. ZajícFilip, V., O. Capova and J. Zajac, Fett. Wiss. Technol. 90 :210 (1988)....
Varying steel qualities and different types of paints also have a distinct influence.doi:10.1002/lipi.19750770606W. MachuFette Seifen Anstrichmittel
A method is proposed for the rapid determination, at the same time being acceptable for quality control. It was shown, that a colorimetric method for determination of SO2 in starch products with small amounts of SO2 is more exact and needs time less than the Monier-Williams method....