AttributeError: Can't pickle local object错误通常发生在尝试使用pickle模块序列化(pickle)一个本地对象时。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些建议的解决办法: 检查你的代码:确保你的代码没有在pickle操作中尝试序列化本地(局部)函数或方法。pickle库不支持序列化本地函数,因为它们依赖于创建它们的环境。 使用...
结果会报错AttributeError: Can't pickle local object。 这个问题可以用第三方库dill来解决: ( 结果: dill除了可以处理pickle可以处理的标准类型外: 嗯,还是很好用的。 (另外python内建库shelve也是用的pickle做后端,所以默认也是不能处理内部类和lambda函数的。) 进一步参考:# h...
python的pickle是用来序列化对象很方便的工具,但是pickle对传入对象的要求是不能是内部类,也不能是lambda函数。 比如尝试pickle这个内部类: 结果会报错AttributeError: Can't pickle local object。 这个问题可以用第三方库dill来解决: ( 结果: dill除了可以处理pickle可以处理的标准...
cls(buf, protocol).dump(obj) TypeError: can't pickle _thread._local objects 原类的构造函数: classthreadtest:def__init__(self, ipList, user, password):self.ipList = ipListself.httpAuth =HTTPDigestAuth(user, password)returndefout(self, i): url ="http://"+ i +"/name"response = r...
数据量不是特别大,可以考虑使用单进程模式加载数据,避免序列化问题,可以设置Dataloader的num_workers=0 ...
解决python多线程报错:AttributeError: Cant pickle local object问题 报错信息: Traceback (most recent call last): File “D:/flaskProject/”, line 35, in test pool.apply(self.out, args=(i,)) File “Python37-32\lib\multiprocessing\”, line 261, in apply return self.apply_asy...
base_lr=args.base_lr num_classes=args.num_classes batch_size= args.batch_size *args.n_gpu#max_iterations = args.max_iterationsdb_train = Synapse_dataset(base_dir=args.root_path, list_dir=args.list_dir, split="train", transform=transforms.Compose( ...
AttributeError: Can‘t pickle local object ‘Stage.__init__.<locals>.<lambda>‘AI智韵 计算机技术与软件专业技术资格证持证人1 人赞同了该文章 问题描述 模型里面有lambda函数,在保存模型的时候出现了如下问题: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\MaxViT_Demo\", line 226,...
I am using pytorch2+tfl1 models, it required me to using CUDA, so I have to set multiple thread method "spawn", but I got an Error said: "AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'main..grpc_prediction_server'" my env : Python 3.8.10 se...
when I change the configuration of preprocess to "none" so that I can keep the size of my original picture,the problem occurs as following. Maybe the lambda in the transforms.Lambda should change. Traceback (most recent call last): File ...